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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. we are looking for signs of longevity. there is no cut and dried answer. if you think you meet all the streaming reqs. post back
  2. i added server with port 25200 it is streaming double check and then you can remove the incorrect one through AccCP ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: French Online Gamers (FOGS) Website: http://www.fogs.fr Account ID: 11767 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 2) ---------- Server List ---------- BF3 - (Streaming) BF3 - ---------- User List ---------- NOTHAN (171682) ---------- Helpful Links ---------- Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Streaming Setup Not Streaming Fix Donations
  3. does it have an in game overlay? try disabling that to get a definitive answer you will have to ask Even Balance. they made PunkBuster http://www.evenbalance.com/troubleticket/new_ticket.php
  4. my bad, i should have checked the account status :unsure:
  5. i hope it does then maybe someone can quit trying to copy it
  6. We will support RO2 once a few PB bugs have been fixed. Also the automated streaming setup will be updated then too to support RO2. I have it coded but the task crash bug is what I'm waiting for a fix to before releasing it. any word on this?
  7. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/clutch-gaming-community-cl-t130993.html/page__p__340152__hl__deesturbed__fromsearch__1?do=findComment&comment=340152 it would appear you never responded to that and the old deesturbed account was deactivated as there can be only forum account per person get DoubleTap to request a reactivation also study the requirements http://www.pbbans.com/forums/streaming-application-requirements-t82423.html a website and forums are required
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abaG1ca_ba4
  9. game ain't nothing if a can't craft hats.....
  10. if VAC and PunkBuster integration moves forward from TWI/HoS start, it will be very good for players and anti-cheat it would be nice if PBSS would be enabled for HoS again....
  11. it is not uncommon for a response to a trouble ticket at Even Balance to take several days. also adding to the ticket sends it to the back of the line again. i have heard of it taking a few tries with reinstalling, regedit etc for it to take then other people never have the problem to start with
  12. http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srchtype=GUID&srchdata=206e3ab09c9b0776230be5a78a02f1f0&game_id=22&showLG=yes&showAT=no&safeview=no
  13. yes http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/battlefield-3-pc/1443233-second-look-bf3-pc-game-servers.html
  14. has to be GSP then i would give them a ring
  15. he left a little bit back not sure of the circumstances
  16. use [spoiler] [/spoiler] double check your IP:port as that one does not show in gameTracker
  17. sorry the link is in the SGA area. the quote is still valid make a post here about account changes http://www.pbbans.com/forums/account-questions-and-troubleshooting-private-f553.html
  18. what? servers can't stream if they do not appear on battlelog because that means they are not connected to the backend do your servers show on battlelog?
  19. fixed the link http://www.pbbans.com/forums/bf3-issues-t147847.html do your servers appear in battlelog?
  20. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/bf3-issues-t147847.html
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