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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. ok i am getting new antivirus.... https://www.virustotal.com/file/4e0e6b8526464cc8879107c75df733469a39e144e44bde7682acd973257dd003/analysis/1327273557/ Detection ratio: 2 / 42 clam says everything is a trojan btw
  2. avg free giving me a heuristics warning...
  3. that is a GoBlin! check the nose!
  4. what was the GUID again? also i do not see you on the clan roster there do seem to be several broken links on it though maybe a text list posted in public would be helpful if you have another GUID that hasn't been traveling the world, you could use it also
  5. a little peyote would bring that face into focus
  6. why advertise his cheats by posting on youtube? name and shame don't advertise his cheats for him stats are no proof and fraps isn't either only streamed evidence is
  7. best advertising ever
  8. ESA Drops SOPA Support, Video Game Lobby Laments Bill’s ‘Unintended Consequences’ The Entertainment Software Association no longer supports the Stop Online Piracy Act, the controversial anti-piracy bill that was shelved earlier today in the House of Representatives after a week of fierce online protests. The people who bring us E3 simply don't want to bring us SOPA anymore. The bill's got problems, they say. "From the beginning, ESA has been committed to the passage of balanced legislation to address the illegal theft of intellectual property found on foreign rogue sites," the group said in a statement. "Although the need to address this pervasive threat to our industry's creative investment remains, concerns have been expressed about unintended consequences stemming from the current legislative proposals. Accordingly, we call upon Congress, the Obama Administration, and stakeholders to refocus their energies on producing a solution that effectively balances both creative and technology interests. As an industry of innovators and creators, we understand the importance of both technological innovation and content protection and are committed to working with all parties to encourage a balanced solution." The video game lobbying group, which is funded by most of the world's biggest video game publishers, had come under sharp criticism for its refusal to disavow the proposed bills. Critics said SOPA and its Senate counter-part, the Protect IP Act, would stifle online speech and potentially ruin message board, video-streaming and even some online games that are rich with user-generated content that might involve unlicensed copyrights. Earlier this month, the ESA issued a statement that said that "we support the House and Senate proposals" to achieve the objective of battling "rogue websites..devoted to profiting from their blatant illegal piracy." Those two proposals, SOPA and PIPA, are on indefinite hold this week and are essentially dead. The ESA had spent as much as $190,000 lobbying this past spring and summer for PIPA, the also-now-shelved Senate version of SOPA. As Senators, Congresspeople and even some companies flipped their positions from yay to nay on SOPA and PIPA these past couple of weeks, the ESA remained mum. Their presumed continued support led to calls for a press and developer boycott of E3, the huge annual trade event in Los Angeles that is used to show off the biggest and best new video games and systems from Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, EA, Activision and most of the rest of the giants of video games. http://kotaku.com/5877996/esa-drops-sopa-support
  9. meh common tactic to shelve it till heat dies down then pass it on the sly
  10. i mean that is what you put up after your site is raped
  11. that is only put up after a sight is hacked ;)
  12. roflsnatch i bet they are :dtrooper:
  13. we still have servers streaming (for now) how did you update PB?
  14. it is generally better to start your on thread , especially if the topic is older
  15. possibly not having allowed permissions try unblocking firewalls and running as admin
  16. i have a bud with a 570 he loves it
  17. native language? maybe post in one of the forum language sections
  18. training is not good except to learn what the command functions do imo i was in the closed and open betas and the game had real promise
  19. you added it to your account with the wrong port rcon port for setup and join or game port to add to account i added the correct combo and it instantly streamed go to AccCP and remove the incorrect one ---------- Account Information ---------- Team: S3xy Clan (S3XY) Website: http://www.s3xyclan.com Account ID: 12259 Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 2) ---------- Server List ---------- BF3 - (Streaming) BF3 - ---------- User List ---------- FoxMcCarther (174986) ---------- Helpful Links ---------- Account Management CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use) PBBans Hub Flags Master Player Index Automated Streaming Setup Not Streaming Fix Donations
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