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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/punkbuster-kick-violation-codes-t103457.html/ for more information you can ask Even Balance, but, they will not tell you. best you can do is have them follow appeal procedures
  2. nevermind i closed the other topic due to your attitude you are welcome to attempt to be civil
  3. why start another topic? you say you have done everything with no joy and yet refuse to ask the true source
  4. BoA epitomizes all that is wrong with big banking
  5. big banks are worse EA+ACTVI piss me off more though
  6. in my heart i agree however, BoA epitomizes what is wrong
  7. well there are plenty of games i have that are not shown. i have had several gifted so i just ASSuMEd my library says i have 87 games.... http://www.steamcalculator.com/id/hsmagnet btw, anyone beat this
  8. used to have a very popular HC S&D server killhouse and shipment never played there
  9. you need to validate you forum account, as well
  10. just fyi : the steam calc does not include gifted games
  11. http://store.steampowered.com/app/91200/ Anomoly Warzone Earth $9.99 reverse tower defense game http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/8980/ Borderlands $19.99 RPG/FPS hilarious also get you ready for BL2
  12. tripwire made a ww2 shooter cause that is what they want to play
  13. Killhouse total freaking chaos
  14. but, but, but trolling and dev bashing is more fun than the games... :BigB:
  15. i did that once.... then the drugs wore off.....
  16. they pulled the plug on on development and are focusing on milking the dead horse
  17. if you have to have unlocks, at least make it where the game is playable without them i mean you can't pilot until you put points in it and you are a huge blimp with crosshairs on your sides until you unlock stuff
  18. they hinted at this from before launch it is all about the benjamins
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