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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. yeah this thread prompted me to add specs to my sig after the last upgrade
  2. drapes match the sheets? :P
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhz_MYkxIXw&hd=1
  4. http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/showthread.php?t=75551 i think it is awesome
  5. it is preferable to let cheaters go than to have an innocent banned.
  6. big 5 0 coming soon

  7. lol what kind of money do you get from nfo? no need to make an advertising thread and then come bash someone else
  8. i haven't seriously looked and nVidia stuff since the great omgwtfbbqthesethingsaremelting fiasco
  9. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/not-streaming-t147722.html/page__pid__384841#entry384841 maybe stop hijacking threads and look at PM?
  10. i imagine that was the understatement of the year
  11. i am still chugging along with my 5770. by the time i get another card, the 7950 will be in the bargain bin
  12. no streaming in seven days = hub automatically deactivates team i acvtivated it again
  13. sweet i won't be able to play till later, though
  14. tbh it wasn't much use before sure wasn't worth paying for
  15. watch the thread about you application and your email when the team is approved, then it is time to check for streaming http://www.pbbans.com/forums/ragn-d2k-t155520.html/page__fromsearch__1
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