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Everything posted by HSMagnet

  1. you will definitely need to get with Even Balance i can guarantee they do not support Win*8 ;) http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=ttsystem.php&game=cod2
  2. wait! wait! that makes too much sense! great co-op game!
  3. turn off EVERYTHING and try again also give a complete program/proceses list to Even Balance here http://www.evenbalance.com/index.php?page=ttsystem.php&game=cod2 they the developers of PunkBuster and are the only ones that can say exactly what causes kicks/violations
  4. i posted it on G+ and noticed this
  5. i just wish they would give up on that lie about they withhold server files from the public for security reason obviously security begins at home...........or not :lol:
  6. start RO2 open console type open press you will connect to server
  7. remember recommended gets you medium in game quality
  8. HSMagnet


    http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-beginnersguide.html apply for a team if your server was streaming, we would be able to do something
  9. wow....heard that line so many times.... on a another note https://twitter.com/#!/gameservers_com/status/115838083060080641
  10. what are the specs? :P nevermind
  11. seems to me like throwing a couple of proven losers together and touting it as the formula for success....
  12. /me refrains from making rude bf/dice/ea comments
  13. looks interesting, for sure
  14. problems at release are not because they didn't work on it. i was in the F&F beta before the DDE beta. bug hunting and replication, server stressing, client side issues were a huge priority. even the DDE beta was a real beta, not a glorified demo RO2:HoS at release is more playable for me than most recent FPS games http://steamcommunity.com/games/RO2/announcements/detail/1352427353504718965 looks like damn good support from my view
  15. lol i was lucky enough to play bf3 alpha as well. exactly why i am not buying it :P not going back to cod4 either. if i go "back" it will be to Diablo II :o
  16. meh i'll be bouncing from borderlands/killing floor/RO2:HoS(if they get the streaming issue resolved)
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