All you need to do for me is set your server to stream:
By Volfin:
You should make a file called pbsvlog.cfg. This file is for streaming your server logs to Don't know what that means? It means the punkbuster logs from your server are automatically stored at This allows for several nice features:
Streaming is Incredibly Important. This is for several reasons:
1. Undisputable integrity of the ban. Noone can say you faked a log.
2. Automation bans will be picked up by our automatic log parser. No more going through log after log looking for cheaters.
3. Highly advanced Trend analysis As the streaming data is processed, an organization of the data is possible which cannot be achieved from manual submissions. This gives admins more ways to prove or disprove a person's guilt/innocence for the purpose of ban appeals and less reliable proof such as screenshots and demos.
Setting up for streaming is easy. Open the pbsvlog.cfg file:
;PBBans Repository Commands
pb_sv_logaddr // Repository IP Address
pb_sv_logport 24389 // Repository Port
pb_sv_loguser "Put your username here"// Your username
pb_sv_logpw "Put your password here" //your password
Choose a unique username and password to use for streaming. These can be anything you want. Place them in the file where shown in green above.
Place the modified file in your game server's pb directory, and reboot the server.
THEN, you must notify an admin (like myself) that you are intending to stream, and provide them with the following information:
-Your Server ip and port.
-Your username and password as entered above
-The type of game, and name of the clan/owner of the server.
That's it!
For more advanced information about Punkbuster, see the manual here:
or, ask someone here at PBBans, we are happy to help!
Be sure to provide all the server info in your profile. Then, when your server is set pm Volfin or RodeoBob so they adjust your profile and givew you the proper forum acess.
After that, Not only me but all admins will give you all the help you need and , like i said, your the winner in this, as our help and forums will get your server's pb up to date and protect it from hackers. The catch youll make will be added to the pbbans ban list, for that , you have to stream your logs so we can autentify the catch.
Its a win win situation :jam: