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Everything posted by icemaster

  1. icemaster

    Help needed

    I say it's just a glitch on your server part. They wouldn't be banable anyways. Plus you aren't streaming to PBBans so even if you did have good SS of ban players. As far as the SS go, clean.
  2. well if it's your GUID then it's a spoofed one that you bought. If it's your name, he name-hacked you if it's a related IP, it's dynamic IP if it's YOUR IP...well then that's just you hacking :P :P as far as admins taking it off, they can't do anything and this wont affect you in any way shape or form here on PBBans. The only time it would cause you problems would be if it was related directly to your IP, which would mean you played the game with a GUID and your IP registered to it, thus triggering a ban. But as I said, you have many IP's (dynamic) and this is also the case for many others, so nothing to worry about.
  3. meh they don't make those rules...sure it's wrong but how exactly are you suppose to enforce it? EA sure wont go in every server to check...they made their money off the game and they don't give a f*ck about it anymore.... unless u want to waste your time sending EA a message that they wont care about expressing your opinion that they abuse the system, sure you can do that....lol
  4. lmao my eyes hurt now lol
  5. yea banning people on "related" bans isn't really fair....they usually assume that your hacking if you have a banned GUID on your name. They don't bother to check if it's even the right IP or if you come from a place that generates dynamic IP's (Germany and mostly all Europe) But if you want to get unbanned from that server, just give them a link to the thread to tell them that other SGA agree that you aren't linked to that ban. If they don't listen it's really stupid on their part....
  6. shotgun can beat anything at close range weather it's prone or jumping (true i didn't think of that piggy :P) but at long range it's useless....so unless he can get really lucky when proned and shooting at the guy....it's not really going to make a difference...
  7. no those are only hardware bans which are given out by EB. Those are rare and only occur when you try and hack the actual PB on EB. Then you wouldn't be able to play any games because your hardware key is in their system and thus not letting you play any PB game. But just a simple ban that PBBans gives out is only for the GUID. So if he buys a new CD key he will still be able to play. (the banned GUID will still be shown as a ban though if a SGA searches for him.
  8. this isn't about your cracked servers...maybe you should read the posts again...it's about your ATTITUDE not the SERVERS.....
  9. like piggy said yea you can, but it's really useless like hell cause you have no accuracy...
  10. maybe if you read that again (duality's post) you will understand. HE is the law around here (LMAO i read your profile page). So let's see. " The 10 Commandments of dealing with Duality: Be polite. Nothing ticks me off more than PMs demanding something. :) If you swear at me, I will not-reactivate your account. <_< If you threaten me, I will not re-activate your account. <_< I get a lot of nasty PMs. Yours won't affect me either. :rolleyes: Don't threaten to "go to the higher powers". As far as you are concerned, I am the higher power. :lol: I simple "thankyou" goes a long way. :) I am not affiliated with any clan. I don't have favourites either. <_< I don't like arrogance. I don't care if your clan is numero uno on every league out there - you get the same treatment as everyone else. <_< I am a very cynical person. Don't expect me to believe your heartfelt stories of how "your brother did it". :lol: Take this list as the tongue-in-cheek joke it is supposed to be." May this enlighten you? Basically, (before an admin goes full out on you for not understanding and you resulting in another banned member from your clan) Don't try to get yourself out of this. Read # 9 and replace the "brother did it" with "my clan mates screwed us over thus we cannot stream here"
  11. lol hopefully it helped a bit though :P
  12. <_< <_< :cryingsmiley: you mean i wasted my time doing that :( that took me 20 minutes to write lol
  13. and my favorite :P :P :P (right click and view image to read the text)
  14. community/clan is the same thing. I was once in a GAMING COMMUNITY with multiple games. now I'm in a GAMING CLAN because we are based around only 1 game (BF2) but we still play other games...we aren't limited to one. key word....gaming....same process same result. As for the requirements, you have to follow by them or don't join PBBans, easy as that. lol at the clock though
  15. je vais assayer to t'expliquer....(and yes I failed french when i go to a french school....so i know this is going to be bad lol) Pour avoir un Alias (nom) or plusieur alias, chaque fois que tu joue avec ton GUID, cela est recorder dans le "date base" de PBBans et les SGA (personne qui "stream" (se font proteger) par PBBans ont access a toute l'info donner. Alors nous avons access a toutes les donner d'un jouer pour notre protection. Si il ne sont pas sur le "banlist" nous avons quand meme access a toute les donner (a notre discretion) pour voir si la personne a des GUID qui ne sont pas bon (bani) ou si la personne a des GUID qui se sont tracer a eux. J'espere que tu peut compredre de se que je veut dire lol....j'suis vraiment pas bon en francais meme si je vas a une ecole francaise! :P
  16. what was their response? did they say it was fake or did they not respond? if they said it was fake, it's fake... if they did not respond that means they're working on it...
  17. your not a SGA? so you couldn't add the server to the list anyways. Also, that server might be on somebody else lists, so in that case your best bet would be to go to the IRC and they will sort this out with you.
  18. how do i upload the files to something that will play the ventrilo recordings? I recorded someone on the vent just 5 minutes ago and it's funny as hell! but now i want to upload it to something that will play it so that i can post it for all you guys to listen to it. i tried itunes and windows media player but they didn't work cause it wouldn't want to read it....My old clan leader always use to do it with the meetings we had....but now i have no idea how to do it cause i never asked him before....some1 please help :)
  19. V360 - Rogers wireless if any1 wants my number...just call 1-613-911 or you can just call 911 and i should answer also. But don't call me on weekends, I'm busy with my friends :P
  20. wow congrats PB! and it's been always better since you guys started....a couple 100 thousands hackers! and much more to come
  21. im guessing around 50 on xmas....just cause of all the new games ppl are getting, then comes the hacks lol But happy holidays to all, make sure to keep it safe but have fun at the same time lol Merry Christmas and happy new years!
  22. if you were only banned on that server it wont come to PBBans, PBBans only bans hacker/cheaters to keep the game clean. I think you were only banned from their server. If you want to get unbanned from their server you would have to go to their website and ask them.
  23. yea good find man yea, when will this come out?
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