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Everything posted by Lucky_Fr4gg3r

  1. Please get back to us and let us know how much it sucks. :P
  2. I prefer this one, much cleaner. The 'police star' wasn't all that, imo.
  3. That server is not streaming to PBB, which means what they applied was a local ban on their server only. You will have to contact the clan themselves through their forum/website (if they have one), since there is nothing PBB can do about this.
  4. They can find pbbans.dat in the pb folder on the server. Tell them open that file in a text-editor and see if the IPs are in there, and if so, remove them.
  5. If it really happens on all servers overseas, that's very strange indeed. I assume you followed the steps he suggested in the ticket and came out empty handed, yeah? If so, all you can do right now, is wait for another reply.
  6. Sorry, I made that post too quickly and meant to edit it later, but I simply forgot :D Anyway, as you said, Windows 7 is a beta OS. EB does not officially support Windows 7, and my guess is that your problem is still somehow related to that. I've heard from several people that they have issues with some (but not all) PB-enabled games, when running Windows 7. It's definitely strange that it only happens in servers that are overseas though, so at this point all you can do is wait for EB's response, pretty much. Edit: Your sure it happens on all overseas servers? It could be that it only happens on servers running pv_sv_restrictions 1 (or 2), and that the ones it works on, simply have it at 0 (or 1). Edit2: What did Evenbalance reply to your ticket?
  7. PB Hack is a 'normal' Evenbalance/Punkbuster violation, it's been around since PB was introduced and has nothing to do with this exploit (nor PBB). This violation is triggered by people attempting to 'hack' PB; disabling and such AFAIK. Basically, the exploit allows people to stream fake violations to any anti cheat site, thus resulting in innocents being added to the relevant banlists (as stated in the OP). Going into any more detail then this about it, will only result in more people using it. There's currently nothing that you, or anyone except EB, can do about it. I believe Evenbalance themselves even stated that they weren't planning on doing anything about it either, as it isn't a problem with their software per s
  8. [snip] One sec.
  9. You need to get added to the account that was previously created, not apply for a new one. Contact who ever is in charge of the existing account and ask them to add you as described above.
  10. 2142 wasn't free, and it had advertisements. Knowing EA, it'll probably have some :rolleyes:
  11. http://www.pbbans.com/webtool.php = Easiest solution :)
  12. 3 maps, 24 slots per server...download-only... This game is a recipe for disaster :o
  13. Visit the Server manager. Select edit, scroll down, you can enter a greeting there. What's your server IP?
  14. Are you sure you undertook all steps in the Hub streaming guide? Including the 30 second wait after pb_sv_restart? I made the mistake of rushing it once and it didn't work either. Can you post your pbsv.cfg please?
  15. If you set up your servers to stream with PBBans, you will have this option in the PBB account panel. Account application Automated Hub Setup and if you run into trouble or would rather do it manually, Hub Streaming Guide
  16. Let's hope it has PB support too. Does Evenbalance/EA usually announce these sort of things right away or do they wait a while after the game has been announced? They already announced it for Heroes way back..so I hope this doesn't mean that 1943 won't have PB as that would completely kill the game. The coding in BF2/2142 is horrible as well, I wonder if it could be any worse :D We'll find out... PS. Release date is currently planned for Summer 2009.
  17. I'm really hoping for it to be a decent game, but it will probably fail just as hard as Vietnam or try to mimic CoD: WW and fail that way. Perhaps we should be hoping for it to fail so that they may release BF3 straight afterwards.
  18. It's EA, did you honestly expect anything else? :D
  19. It gets automatically restored a few hours after streaming is resumed.
  20. Rumor has it, a new Battlefield game will be announced later this week; Battlefield 1943: Pacific which may be shown at NYCC soon. Article here On a side note, BF: BC2 has also been announced. If this is true (which it probably is), I'm disappointed tbh. I'm really fed up with the whole WW2 genre for games, movies and everything else =/ Edit:
  21. Windows 7 is still a beta and not officially supported by Evenbalance. Some games with PB might work, but they will not add full compatibility until the final product is released.
  22. Been getting them too the last few minutes. Give it another try later.
  23. Tried the Automated Hub Setup? Tends to be the easiest solution in most cases. Edit: IP:Port?
  24. The public beta is available as a (free) download on Steam. Anyone here tried it? Been playing it quite heavily since it came out. I'm usually not much of an RTS player, but I really enjoy this. Main reason I enjoy it is because it doesn't include any/much basebuilding, meaning games are packed with action and don't take hours on end to complete. If anyone has it and wants to have a few games, join the PBBans steam group :)
  25. http://www.whatyouare.net/index.php I'm a very large Goliath who loves to orally explore bears.. Try it a few times and post results, they just get better and better :D
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