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Everything posted by Gutshot

  1. Let's see if they learned their lessons from C2, and make us a real Crysis game once again. What I like about the most from the article below, is the reader comments. Got to agree with most of those guys on this one. http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/04/11/crysis-3-spotted-on-origin-bows-and-arrows-confirmed/
  2. Me too. I think it could make me actually get back into online gaming again.
  3. Yeah, been watching this one. Looking for something to wake me out of my multiplayer sleep.
  4. Ummm, yay? I don't think I've ever purchased and played a multiplayer game in which I lost interest as fast as I did with BF3. Don't know what it is about it...... In the beginning was PC gaming. On the second day, Skyrim was created. The end.
  5. Let the old school, old time, fps gaming goodness begin! http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/showthread.php?t=74296
  6. My clan and I will keep our BF3 server due to Dice fixing the 4 player minimum fiasco. That was an absolute deal breaker. But, you guys listened. I appreciate that. The COD makers don't. Not ever. That's why you guys make a better product than those turds do. We had 3 servers originally, but went to 1. This is not because of the game, but, we just couldn't populate more than 1. The weapon nerfing could be done a bit less though. You guys had a fun combo of weapons when you released the game. Please encourage your fellow employees to leave well enough alone. Invr scope I agree with, and thank you for guys at Dice for squaring that thing away.
  7. Is this game 3rd person only, or like Skyrim with 1st person option?
  8. Yeah, he's a real class act. I would like to snap off one of those little spindles he calls arms and beat him with it. Geez I hate that guy and his kiddie game.
  9. I can't believe the stupidity of this patch. Why not just use the same anti stat padding feature that BC2 had? Where you could play, but it didn't count without a minimum amount of people. Well, I guess I'll save some cash now every month on server rental fees. I won't be keeping BF3 servers running with this shit. Unbelievable. RO2 anybody?
  10. Idk, I'm pretty much a hardcore addict on this BF3 thingy. I can't seem to get enough of it. I absolutely hated it at first, but it grew on me like mold and mildew. Now, I gotta play it or my day is kind of sucky. Haven't had this happen with a multiplayer FPS since MoHAA. COD. The Justin Bieber of video games.
  11. Question is, why would I? The game is so absolutely aimed an designed for the XBox, both PC and PS3 are less than afterthoughts. They have chosen their target market. It's fine with me also, it's going to seem lame after playing BF3 and RO2. And besides, I'm too old for kiddie games, lol. Let the Xboxer's have it.
  12. I'm just bummed that the eye candy is pretty much crap. Like I said in another forum, by the way Dice talked about this game, I figured my rig would burst into flames just on the installation alone. Gotta say it though, the graphics and textures actually blow. Really bad in most maps. Is this the most advanced video game ever made? Went and played BC2 Vietnam for comparison and found that much more satisfying graphically. Ah well, I'm just a spoiled American I guess, lol.
  13. Thanks guys, appreciate the info. Will probably just cut my losses and let 'er go after the one month I paid. Was looking forward to supporting this game and having some fun, renting servers, and playing my ass off on them. But EA/Dice had to throw a wrench in it. Figured they would somewhere. Knew it was too good to be true that I actually was getting into this game. It was going too smoothly and it was a little spooky. But, there you have it.
  14. Thanks for the info! Didn't realize that it only showed 150 servers at a time. Really smart EA browser. What a worthless thing to rent a big server for this game then.
  15. Anybody else having this problem? My 32 man Conquest server, which I rented from Low Ping, doesn't list in the browser. Unless you type the name of the server, then it comes up right away. But, the public can't see it just by scrolling. This makes the server basically worthless. It streams to PBBans without a problem and plays fine. You just can't find it by scrolling thru the list. I've tried everything I can think of, even reinstalling the server twice, switching gametypes, configs, etc. Sent a ticket to Low Ping and they tell me it's EA's browser. Could be, but my fellow clan member fired one up yesterday from Low Ping and his listed immediately and hasn't disappeared at all. Just wanted to check with all of you to see if anybody is experiencing the same issue. As it stands right now, I wasted 40 bucks on a server rental and might as well have flushed the cash down the toilet. It appeared for about half an hour yesterday, then was gone. It actually disappeared while it had 24 of the 32 slots full. Of course, as people left, nobody filled the empty slots, which resulted in a dead server. Damn that's frustrating.
  16. Yeah, I got some joy too. Finally got my server to run and stream. Now it admin kicks everybody spontaneously, so we still can't play it. Oh the joy of buying a brand new game.
  17. Ya know what really blows for guys like me? I'm a DM lone wolf type of gamer. But, because COD has become such a turd, I am pretty much forced into the objective style of games like BF and RO2. I hate team play. Why should I care if I am a team player with a bunch of strangers on a pub server? I don't know them and would rather kill them all, lol. I hate Rush and Conquest with an unholy passion. Reading that article, Maydax, left me empty and hollow. Ah well, there is always my old favorite, the RTS. Starcraft II anybody?
  18. A good response from "Kucd" on the BashandSlash forums to people on there that continually rip on RO2 for it being a so-called failed release. I couldn't have said it better myself. http://bashandslash.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=5087
  19. Even though I won't be renting a BF3 server with the bullshit "trusted server provider" program, I'm sure the game will be plenty good. BF3 could be something really great if they would let people have the server files and lan support. If they are going to call it a "PC first" game, then they need to put their money where their mouths are. COD is trash no matter what they do with it. The thought of forking out around $100 + for Modern WarSwill 3 is enough to make me cringe. Lest we forget already.....
  20. Man, that's great news! This is going to be a great gaming year.
  21. Gutshot


    Yeah, read that in the Bash Forums. I enjoyed those casts quite a lot. Sometimes I listen to PCGamer's webcasts, but it just ain't the same. Bash was very interesting and had some really great guests on it. Time for a PBBans weekly webcast featuring MayDax and HSmagnet as the headliners. Imagine Buttscratcher, Piggy and all the regulars around here as guest hosts. Now that would be pretty neat. I look forward to your first show!
  22. It's got prone. Things will work out fine.
  23. Well, I just got done with about a half an hour or so playing it. I found it to be very good. And for an Alpha, very reliable and smooth running on my rig. Sound is excellent also. Found the gameplay to be fun as hell. I hope that there will be a regular Team Death Match in the final product, as I've heard there will be. Between RO2 and this game, my winter is gonna be alot of fun.
  24. Eh, try not to judge an Alpha version too harshly. Yeah, I know it doesn't vary THAT drastically from the finished product, but it isn't a polished up game, nevertheless. I'm sure the finished product will be fun enough.
  25. This FkR is not only a nut job, but apparently he's also a bit of a noob. Observe...... http://blogs.forbes.com/johngaudiosi/2011/07/24/norway-suspect-used-activisions-call-of-duty-to-train-for-massacre/?partner=yahootix He should be euthanized for that statement alone.
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