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Everything posted by stymie

  1. Is this what your after ? If your weapons are binded like above and you hit the mouse (or fire) button, then you will fire asap with out recockin your weapon. On a normal weapon change there is a cock of the bolt, a missed 3 seconds.
  2. Is that screenshot in .jpg format ?
  3. If ya want to start over I would do just that, but I have a feeling you will be upgrading soon ;) New game, new machine, possibly a new ip... its an expensive lesson eh !! when ya do all that, send me pm with your new info in it. Oh ... and ha ha on the hardware ban ... earn your skill or take your beating...
  4. :wub: it has come alone way !! from the 'proposal' to now :o truly impressive. Too see what was wanted, become a web interface for all admins to share information. I will add to the list of props... CJ, and Hoot Excellent
  5. I would take this up with CAL.
  6. I will not share any of my logs with you, and I urge eveyone else to due the same. If you have access to your logs, then why is it your not streaming your server here. We have a huge database that you would have limited access to as a streaming member.
  7. what is the problem ??? you wanna ban him due to his score ??
  8. looks to me like he has a directx file that is either corrupt or is an extra file not the sever is checking for.
  9. Like I said earlier .... EA will never get one more cent of my money. They left the BFV community hanging after we supported their product, the are raping the BF2 community and making millions of their "ranked" over priced laggy ass servers. Any new patch in the works for BF2 is 99% stat related, the only way a person will be able to continue their BF2 expierence is to purchase the expansion pack. I hope BF2 dies a quick and horrible death, and the gamerz return to the jungle where they belong. I know BFV had some net code problems, and some serious imbalances, but nothing compares to the vehicle heavy BF2. I support the bycott, I have personally talked with the developers/makers of BFV (Dice Canada) who were wronged by the big bad EA games, and now EA games is doing it again. EA is not concerned about fixing BF2, they are only concerned about selling/renting their ranked servers. Enjoy the piece of shit game while you can, it will be obsolete and unsupported with the expansion packs, unless the gaming community takes action.
  10. PM me the location of said hack that I can download and maybe we can get it added for checking. By the way, have you ever considered streaming to www.pbbans.com ??? Our pro's here can teach you alot
  11. LMAO .... get the stat paddin police. No offense to anyone but EA and all stat whores can kiss my ass. I am not gonna waste another minute or penny on EA or their stats ..... pffT!!!!
  12. so why r u not streaming ??
  13. Thanks for coming out, but we only ban the GUID for the game it cheated on. Global and Hardware Bans are issued and maintained by Evenbalance the makers of the punkbuster software which generated your ban.
  14. BF2 has been hacked since the Demo. It is not any different than any other game. EA says they have special "stuff" to reduce cheating ..... pfft. Evenbalance does the best they ca, but the reality is most cheats for BF2 are private cheats. Private cheats mean there is NO public posting of the hack itself, meaning NO noobs kids will get ahold of it. This is bad for us, cause we cant get a hold of it either and turn it in. With out it being turned in, the odds of EvenBalalnce detecting it are slim to none.
  15. what is the exact error you get when you join a server. Does this happen every server ??? and what program "speeds" up BF2 ???
  16. send it to www.evenbalance.com
  17. come on now thats wrong on all levels .... that's just unfair to play with a dudes emotions like that. :poke: B)
  18. I am a nOOb with your game type, but I have read what was posted. If I am not mistaken, I thought I read the reason the mod is looked down upon is due to the lack of punkbuster. If it is not punkbuster enabled, there is nothing we are interested in. We only process punkbuster violations at the moment, from punkbuster produced logs and/or screenshots. I thought I read that you were finishing it, and the new version would be punkbuster enabled ??? If that is true, I am sure many will check it out. Nobodys gettin bent outta shape here, just high-lighting the platform of which we play on. Thanks for yur interest in www.pbbans.com
  19. it sure is something to discuss :1_4_126:
  20. www.evenbalance.com fill out a support ticket. Have you tried to reformat the hard drive and do a fresh reinstall of all your software and operating system. Try that and let me know how that works out for ya. click my computer , right click on hardrive and select the format option.
  21. :doomed: does that help ... lmao
  22. If I were you I would fill out a support ticket a www.evenbalance.com Global/Hardware Bans are only issued via them. It is possible that there is a mistake, or you are running some program in the back ground the Punkbuster thinks is interferring with their software (does not have to be cheat related). Packet sifting software does not sit well with Punkbuster.
  23. go to www.evenbalance.com and download pbweb.exe file. Put that file inside your pb folder that is located in the ea games bf2 directory. When its there click on it. when done ckick on it again.
  24. Watch out for the sharks :o
  25. Contact EvenBalance throught the support ticket. Give them all the information you can including server logs if you have them and for god sakes TURN OFF THE CAPS. I am not blind and dont appreciate people yelling at me through my monitor.
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