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Everything posted by stymie

  1. Best one yet is now when I click on the other site I get redirected to the FBI... Thanks again. 8)
  2. Nice touch.... Now that was funny :D
  3. Since you have now totally restricted my account to the point that it is no longer any good... :roll: Please delete it too. You never stuck around IRC after you PM-d me, and I cannot respond to you as you have altered my account, so ya leave me no choice to do it here..... As i know you will see it. So read away, Peel... thanks for proving my point. :lol: Ours is a members only club. Yours is a free for all... Your accounts were deleted here as a conflict of interest. My account has now been totally disabled out of revenge, and childish actions. Your doing not mine..... So now you have shown your true colors. Best of Luck as you all put it. Enjoy your reading and I will enjoy my trolling cause you always bite peel... See Ya round Buddy 8)
  4. See that.... cast a line in the water and see what you troll in :twisted:
  5. Couldn't agreee more And for the ones usng auto ban loader.... i hope your configs are correct and md5 tools set correctly or a whole lotta people are gonna get banned and pissed. hmmmm... sounds like AMBL updater :roll: Peace,
  6. I dont think the "clan" is the issue. We require a punkbuster game server, a website and a person representing that server with ftp access. Our "flaws" are to protect the integrity of our system and ban lists. Its not ment to set a "class" or anything like that. Peace,
  7. Not to worry Dwarden... only valid bans would be added. We understand the Linux/Mac issue Peace,
  8. Nice List.... WOW sign that dude up. Peace,
  9. I have deleted a post that I find offensive and disrespectful. The post had no meritt what so ever and needed not to see the light of day any longer. To all who read that post.... sorry for wasting 1 sec of your time. Another reason for strict membership rules. Peace,
  10. No Worries DrLove, just someone trolling to see if they got a bite. Peace,
  11. Huh :?: Peace,
  12. Ya think it could be Hack related ? One of my members has it once in a while Peace,
  13. Alright, Speaking of names, can anyone tell me what casues Black ASCII like characters in the person name only in the awards board. They also change from map to map when the sme person has on the awards on different matches.... Oh and before I get the ........ ASCII characters are not allowed in the names on the server, it does kick for it, if they get in in the first place. This is different. Peace,
  14. stymie


    Nicely put SirRob. You have lived upto your name with that one. As for the Forcemister... You my sh!t disturbing friend, nice to see your still alive and craving the attention you so desperatley seek. Could you move your Mom's trailer on to your next stop?? and maybe we'll catch up with ya in a couple of months. Peace,
  15. stymie


    Forcey's playing level has nothing to do with why people may or may not dislike him. We are not interested in bashing Forcey or stroking his ego or catering to his needs. We are Not interested in speculation or rumors. We are interested in helping Server Admins run clean, cheat free servers. We are interested in catching/banning proven cheaters. Peace,
  16. stymie


    Like em.... dont know him..... Only know his words on the screen. Peace,
  17. Wow ..... you actually said something worth while Forcey For the idiots above you, I can not say in words what i would like to, so I will let a picture talk for me :fist: Peace,
  18. stymie


    Forcey wrote: I was referring to here Forcey.. :mad: As far as my server's go.... You know the rules.... place nice, play fair, leave your ego outside my server. If ya break those rules.... well you know what happens then..... a whole lotta Admin Abuse. Peace,
  19. What error are you getting..... what exactly does it say when your kicked? Peace,
  20. stymie


    Dam another IP addy to add to the list Peace,
  21. stymie


    What does your program do ? :scatter:
  22. is mine is NO more ... became my bfv server Peace,
  23. The server is NOT PB enabled.... well if its not PB enabled then its a free for all, I personally am not interested in ANY server which does not run PB.
  24. How about..... you quit wasting our time, buy a new game ( after all its gonna be your 3rd game so you should know where to get it. LOL what happened to your first game... was it your 8 year old sister who got caught cheating on that one or was it again your 11 year old brother. You think after being (falsely) convicted the first, you could come up with a better excuse the second time. Here is a hint.... before you buy your 3rd copy... get a bettter excuse....LOL Once a cheat always a cheat..... 1st cd = ban 2nd cd = ban will we ban a third one.. :twisted: Peace,
  25. Thanks Bob, I it worked first time through... I like the fact you dont even know its there.... Peace,
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