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Everything posted by stymie

  1. Sign me up.... you know my server info.. post the commands and where to put them bob it will be hooked up pronto. Peace,
  2. So let me see if I understand what you want..??? I give my logs to you or I hve some link to where that sends what? and who has that information, and what say do i have what is sent to them??? Who gets the data from those 4 config lines in my server EB or the other site?? Peace,
  3. LOL.... :roll: That's my boy.... told ya... buy a new game. Peace,
  4. Oh and have your leader fill out the application for becoming a member here. We would welcome your clan, as we do not hold a clan responsilbe for their members actions, unless of course the clan tolerates cheaters, in which case that clan would be fair game. I publiclly would like to say this again, the rFg Family does not have a problem with the sYn clan.... only cheaters. Peace,
  5. Sorry sYn .. as i tried to explain to youin our forums and in yours. Its a Valid cheat violation and the person will be added to the ban list . In Fact SirRob added him last night for me, as again I explained in your forums. You can take it up with me in our forums (be respectfull we are not at fault) Peace,
  6. NN WolfSpring... you gonna register here? I hope to see more of the NN clan since your organization is "old school" Peace,
  7. stymie

    yay :)

    Wow, Forcey's Ghey Love slave came out of the closet long enough to type a stupid message. Thanks for showing the rest of the world how ignorant the 2 of ya are. I see your not man enough to even include your name. Peace,
  8. stymie

    yay :)

    What does that prove??? Oh I know.. It proves the your a moron who needs to argue with everyone all the time, your an idiot who gets banned from ever server they go into, your a loser who thinks they know more than anyone else, when if fact your just a big pain in the a$$ who's daddy never gave any attention, nobody cares if ya play the game or not as you will not be missed one way or the other. :roll: Hey Forcey just want to let you in on a little secret, the "Big House" with all the cars in the driveway that you visited when you were a kid was not your daddy's home, it was the state prison :lol: So on your next Sunday visit push your shopping cart out of the way, its not your home, although with a piss poor attitude like you have it probibly will be in a couple of years. Thought you were gonna make your grand exit Forcey.... close the door on your way out so the rest of the trailer park trash stays out. 8) Peace,
  9. stymie

    yay :)

    Forcey forcey.... what's the matter getting bored with the other site, ya wanna come here and play too. Peace,
  10. Bob, when will they learn... LOL Psst. here's a hint...... dont try and fool Bob, It don't work. Peace,
  11. What is your GUID.... not your cd key number but your GUID that is used in the game. Also, for what game are we talking about, and exactly what error do you get when you log in... Write it down and post it here. Peace,
  12. We gave you a chance, brought you into our home and you punked us Go buy a new game and get on with your life heres a hint..... dont cheat with your new game. Peace,
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