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Everything posted by stymie

  1. Running a 9800 pro with 16 textures ??? Why would ya want to do that
  2. what is PrettySadBusiness ??? We have no problems with other groups running anti cheat sites. Good Luck in your adventures, I hope you catch a ton of cheaters.
  3. That's gotta be the hardest thing there is to follow. What a bunch of rambling BS. I gave up. What ever your problem is with Johnny is your problem and Clan Bases's problem. Definetly not our problem
  4. Have you submitted the proof for these 'hackers' ???? :?:
  5. replicates lag to those viewing them, and for those using it.
  6. Well, I have been wrong before and I guess I am wrong again. :oops: I guess Ken and EB did show us they still support the SOF2 community. Sorry I ever doubted you or your company. I look forward to the next round 8)
  7. Who are you referring too ??? and what is PrettySadBusiness ???
  8. What Mod you gonna run ??? Desert Combat ??? Regular BF ?? Road to Rome ??
  9. Umm..... LOL .... I think he said Sync was OFF... but I have to agree with Johnny check to make sure your vertical sync is off in bothe video settings on card and video settings in the game menu
  10. Hey Thats my daughter !! :shocked!:
  11. I am still waiting for the Uber programs to do the editing without a trace. Sounds like someone is putting extra pulp in their OJ :morning: I see you read Deps comments did ya see mine ? :eating:
  12. Well why dont ya post a link to one of these programs that can edit a ss and still appear genuine :eating:
  13. Didn't mention ClanWarz.... but I am glad you did. Ya renting servers and website with restrictions on them and not informing your clients... Hmm that's real professional. :roll: As for my proof.... thanks for coming here and showing just how ignorant you are. I have my proof so I will show it to ya. Any thing else you wanna add....??? This reminds me of 'cock roaches' when ya turn out the lights the come and play and spew garbage. Turn on the lights and educate people with the truth and they run and hide.
  14. He sent it to [email protected] it was redirected to the email address with the extra 's' in it. So I think the forwarding system needs to have your email corrected. The original message was sent to [email protected] then it was redirected... unless of course I am a turkey and dont understand what was written
  15. I can see your rant, so I guess everyone else can see it too. We do not delete posts or edit them in anyway. You are free to speak your mind and when you do it will be here for everyone to see. You were a member of 'punks' long before you ever came here. Oh and another thing THEY do delete accounts or restrict IP addys. In fact they even go as far as blocking IP ranges. Not too mention one of their main supporters and donators of the servers blocks his servers he rents from streaming here. The same person also blocks IP addresses from the admins here so we cannot even verify there accounts. You amaze me..... Prove me wrong... Tell 'punks' that you decided to stream here and watch what happens to your account. Watch who the kids are then. Try it.... you'll see. Anyways, sorry for your loss, I am sure you will see the errors of your ways. You live in Sacto, give me a call and I'll take ya to lunch. 916-227-5414
  16. Hey Spicy... Streaming your servers would be a good faith offering. The streamed server god shall smile down upon you. If you truly want to earn respect and entrance again, re read what I have wrote.
  17. Why dont you make a demo of him hacking. You say he wont come to your server, than go to his and spectate. Better yet, send in his hacks to www.evenbalance.com
  18. You need to be a 'verified admin'. The need to have a valid account here to be able to submit bans in the private areas. The public areas are just that public. If you have friends (server admins) that are not registered here as server admins then please have thm register. Then all bans and logs they have can and will be accepted. Its a simple rule, in order for us to accept bans from a trusted admin they need to become 'trusted' first. They do this by registering and having their account activated.
  19. They need to register here, so we can set up accounts for their logs.
  20. I dont see how you being asked to stop spamming irc has anything to do with you not streaming. Streaming your servers 'serve' the public interest of ALL server admins. PBBans does not gain anything by you streaming or not, your fellow server admins are the one you are 'hurting' with that type of attitude. Why should I and others suffer do to a disagreement between you and another person ??? That kind of logic makes no sense. Please do not hold the rest of us Server Admins 'hostage' while you slap purses with some one. Thank You.
  21. I just wanna ask you this .... I sure would like to hear what "they" would say if you posted your original question to them. I know if ya had a server streaming to them and expressed the same views.... well you'd probibly be out the door. If your server streams to "them" ... redirect the streaming and watch how they treat you then..... then return and ask the same question. I bet our replies were much friendlier..... you will see the bright side of www.pbbans.com before long..... cant say that others will. Oh..... and WE dont close, edit, delete topics just because the have views outside of our thinking.
  22. -x2-MoThug666 Noobler Why not become a member of the most productive Anti-Cheat site on the Web. Don't fall for all the Glamore and Hype of other sites, register here and keep your 'rights' After all You own the server. 8)
  23. How about you post your pbsv.cfg and we can start with that. Have you thought about becomeing a member here ??? Maybe setting up your server to stream to our 'repository' ??? Its a lot easier to help you on the inside, so why dont you fill out the application Peace,
  24. Very Nicely put Johnny Zna .... know one holds anything against you or his ill feelings towards you that I know of. You have valid concerns and to my knowledge we here at PBBans do not hold it against any member for being active in other communities. What they do does not concern us.
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