I'm sure as PB is confirmed for BF3 provided there are no issues with PB integration it will be supported.
I'm sure MaydaX will update everyone once this has all been confirmed.
Well as all the passwords are linked to the same EA account I'd reccomend that people reset their EA passwords.
I did wonder why it was telling me my password wasn't recognised...
The answer to your question is brand name.
People bought into the brand, I'd expect most of those sales were made early on before people realised how much of a disappointment the game was.
Possibly ask your GSP to give you a new IP.
It basically means that that IP address has been used by a player in the past.
Staff should be able to give you more info and help :)
Which browser are you using?
I know I have issues under FF 4 Beta on all builds.
Try using IE8 with the latest Java updates should work.
(Yes I realise IE isn't a great browser before anyone says but it works for things like this :P)
You need to register a team account before you can stream here. :)
More info
I'm sorry man there's no point in demanding anything from us.
It's a global ban by Evenbalance.
Try following the steps that HSMagnet has outlined. Completely uninstall. Reformat and reinstall your OS (if you can). Create a new EA account. Use your new key on this account.
Log in and play.
Does it still work like that?
Because you have the exact same GUID in BFBC2 and MOH, so surely its not longer a hash of the CD Key.
I'm thinking PB GUID's and EA GUID's (Tied to your EA account) are related somehow. I could be wrong however.
Got to agree with this decision.
I abandoned my server quite early on due to streaming issues. I tried to help where I could but was fighting a losing battle and pretty much shooting blind.
If you're playing on ranked servers they should as part of the T&C's have PB enabled... if not well... not much will happen. EA are a little slow at enforcing anything :P