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(FG) mastermc0

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Everything posted by (FG) mastermc0

  1. Exacly :) Any of your free hosts will do http://www.forumer.com for example
  2. Thats dependant on how your server/GSP has it set up ;)
  3. I wasn't suggesting it as a realistic proposition was just making a joke :)
  4. PBBans hosted servers... there's an idea :P
  5. Make sure you have filled in an application here Also make sure you follow the instructions for setting up streaming or even easier use the automated set-up tool.
  6. Rerun the set up tool. Update PB. Manually replace your pbsv.cfg with the one in the MCi. Make sure a PB UCON.use file is there. If not create one.
  7. Updating PB does not interfere with the running of the game server :)
  8. You can use the webtool with the server running. It only restarts the PB server your gameserver will stay running and noone will be disconnected.
  9. Running ProCon shouldn't change anything. Do note however that the port you use to connect in ProCon is not the port to put in the web tool this needs to still be the RCon port.
  10. Lots of tips can be found in the SGA forum for MOH. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/medal-of-honor-f556.html But I shall outline a few things to check. 1. Make sure PB is up to date update it using your GSP control panel or ask your GSP to do this for you. 2. Ensure you enter the RCON port in the webtool and the join port in the AccCP when you set up streaming. 3. If the webtool doesn't work try manually editing the pbsv.cfg I use the one from the MCi http://www.pbbans.com/mci-view-moh-pbsv-37.html
  11. Will be very interesting to see how this pans out.
  12. Shows as streaming. Use the MSi to check. http://www.pbbans.com/master-stream-index.html EDIT: Or check in AccCP under manage servers.
  13. Technically ANY limitation is against the ROE. Not saying I agree with this just saying it how it is :(
  14. It's when things like this come out I wish I had an android phone rather than an iPhone but I still love my iPhone :D
  15. I won't hold my breath for a fix on the PB bug seems its not mentioned in the release notes... at all...
  16. Also should be noted EA/DICE are on holiday for Easter so it isn't likely to be fixed til Tueday or later.
  17. I wouldn't bet on it... Evidence from multiple sources show only around 1% of PBSS actually work.
  18. I LOLed, shouldn't have been using hacks PB enabled or not.
  19. http://www.pbbans.com I'm guessing that's it ;)
  20. Nice work guys :)
  21. Is there much point in me changing my GUID on here from my BF2 GUID to my BC2 GUID? Just as I know I would need an admin to do this wondering if there is any real benefit.
  22. Judging on the time of your post I would guess your server is being affected by the current plasma (EA backend) issues.
  23. More maps :D
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