Try running the webtool for the PBBans streaming.
You will need to use the admin port and password which you can get from your GSP it is not the same as your game join port.
Once you have this port and password it will also be the same information to use for BC2 guardian.
Its possible that your GSP forced PB to off as requested by EA/DICE but with the update to R6 this is no longer required to be off as R6 is supposed to fix PB disconnects.
First thing to check would be that punkbuster is enabled in your serveroptions.ini file.
Next thing to check would be that there is a pbucon.use file.
If this file is not present streaming will not work.
If it is shown as streaming then everything is working correctly.
The welcome messages do not work as currently PB can not interact with the server to send chat messages.
If theres anything else just post and I'll do my best to help :D
Its set in the serveroptions.ini you won't have full access to this file though its usually through some kind of editor provided by your GSP.
However it does not wrap the text properly so isn't much use at the moment unless you want a very short description ;)
They should be added/updated manually as long as you have the accept md5 updates flag ticked on your AccCP as far as I know.
Other than the way you have it set up currently i.e in the pbsv.cfg the only other way is to put it in the pbsvuser.cfg which I believe you said you do not have access to.
Strange that it deleting the second entry.
Try using these steps to set it up
And if that doesn't work try some of the following
I would suggest trying using the webtool then adding the line for GGC back in.
Only other thing I know that caused issues for other people was not putting a # infront of the gameserverpassword option in the settings.ini
; ------------------------------
; PB UCON Settings / Lists
; ------------------------------
pb_sv_usessionlimit 16
pb_sv_ucontimeout 90
pb_sv_uconadd 1 "pbbhub1" "pbbanshub"
The above is how I have mine set up. Also you would need to check if there is a pbucon.use file.
Taken from the info centre.
Do you mean BC2CC? If so yes I know this is the case however there are tools that have "Punkbuster" tab.
Enter the RCON commands in the troubleshooting steps using this tool.
Try using the webtool as this uses RCON to set it up.
Make sure PB is running as I know some GSP's had issues with it defaulting to being switched off and try some of the trouble shooting steps if you have RCON access.