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Everything posted by BuLLsh1T77

  1. Now we'll see a different bunch of roaches scurry for cover. Anyone remotely interested in security can guess the impact of this Some links: http://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/05/reports-liberty-reserve-founder-arrested-site-shuttered/ http://krebsonsecurity.com/2013/05/u-s-government-seizes-libertyreserve-com/
  2. well dunno, last reply being over a year ago could have tipped you off. don't sweat it though, ask away :)
  3. +1 for resurrecting ancient threads
  4. QFMFT ;)
  5. As per today all 50710 violations haven been removed from my servers. Since i use my own banlists i had to keep a few in place that had prior violations. I'm pretty sure I'm letting some unwanted elements back in but that's just the way it is.
  6. translation: i have an aimbot but i dont want to use it and be obvious. how would i go about using it and stay low profile?
  7. You'll have to get in touch with whoever runs that server. http://sydney247.freeforums.org/support-f5.html seems like the place to go. You can only appeal a ban here that's being enforced by PBBans, i.e. your GUID is on the MBL for a voilation triggered on a streaming server and as you haven't provided that either no one here at PBBans can help you at this point.
  8. For me there never really was any doubt about where to stream. No other site that I've been streaming to gave me the ability to do proper research when things weren't clear [comparing linked GUIDs, cross-reference IP's, etc]. So in my opinion, PBBans is the best site to stream to, had the least screwups where it came to filtering out fake bans, and, most important, has maintained their integrity throughout the years. So I have to admit I've come to grow somewhat attached to this place :) GJ PBBans and all who are working to make it what it is, staff AND streaming admins. =ROCK= BS
  9. problem is not with PBBans but with admins on that server. Someone cried, looked up your name, found some banned GUIDs that had a same name appearing in them somewhere and banned you. There is not even a ban linked to your GUID at first glance so i'd say someone on that server is full of shit. They can't possibly have a reason to ban you, as it would appear they've just done a search on your name and that is by no definition conclusive evidence unless you can tie an IP to it.
  10. Guess they got tired of dealing with the frequent DDoSes that wreaked havoc on their network, still, they know who you are and not a good show for them to let loyal customers down like that. Hope your new host has some more loyalty towards their clients, god knows those are rare :)
  11. Welcome back guys :) just wondering, what went wrong with cloudflare? looks to me it was disastrous
  12. oh well i didnt look him up but i was suspecting he had a gobal, and i stand corrected where it comes to buying a new key - i only run cod4 servers -looks like he's to get a new 'puter to play BF3 again cause global on BF3 means hardware ban :D Admin edit: Misinformation. A global does not mean a hardware ban.
  13. that ban is never going to go away or lifted officially - don't even bother appealing it at Evenbalance or anywhere else and servers that disconnect upon joining have your guid most likely banned and present you with the standard message (something went wrong NaN NaN sounds like its someones custom message) So your only option is to join servers that do not run punkbuster or acquire a new key. im not sure if that violation raises a global ban in which case youre absolutely screwed where it comes to playing on PB enabled servers. This is the stick associated with your cheating and its never going to go away My advice: get a new key and stay clean peace
  14. COD4 > All it would be nice if they could go after cheat sites in a similar manner that sell hacks for Activision games. as for alteriwnet i can understand why they would try setting up an alternative. isn't mw2 where it all started to fall apart its not all hackers playing there, they just want to have dedis for a game that would have been great IF they had dedicated servers the switch to non dedi+valve was pretty much as desastrous as it gets imo
  15. bumping this because whatever i tried it will not stream.. so i need some help guys
  16. 200-280 is skyhigh in my book are you sure your servers are chicago based? you have NY demoservers on your site
  17. No luck on automated hub setup, manual setup, or uploading the files that you have on the site 'as the easiest way to get a server streaming' ;PB UCON Settings / Lists pb_sv_usessionlimit 10 pb_sv_ucontimeout 300 pb_sv_uconmaxsendrate 16 pb_sv_uconempty pb_sv_uconignoreempty pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub1" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub1-2" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_uconadd 1 "" "pbbhub1-3" "pbbanshub" pb_sv_task 0 7200 pb_sv_ver pb_sv_task 0 86400 pb_sv_update ^5PunkBuster Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name] ^5PunkBuster Server: 1 1 pbbhub1 ^5PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)
  18. if your servers are chicago based UK players ping will be skyhigh xD
  19. i didnt really edit them, i just went in there and hit edit flags, its helped me before, and i did that after i noticed the server stopped streaming as before then i had no reason to be looking at the server flags, as it had been streaming for weeks without issues, aside for the DDoS youve been having recently. just look at the time where the ucon session has ended (london time) and where i was in the server options for that server on my account. it stopped streaming a good 6 hours before i even went in there. I'll run the automated hub setup again to see if it helps
  20. hi my server has stopped streaming a while ago, can't find anything else in the logs than this: [02.25.2012 16:28:03] PB UCON cleanly ending session #1 nothing in the logs indicating something went south, just this one line. Rebooting Pb, server doesn't help either, only thing left would be to setup streaming anew but it was streaming before and for some reason it's ended the session and i can't get it back working using conventional methods. Any ideas? =ROCK= BS
  21. nice wallpapers got me the black one should make some more variations, might get yourself a fanbase :) frankly i'm surprised there aren't more PBBans wallpapers xD
  22. Ah yes you're right :) I first had to figure out where that went in IE9 as its not showing up in the adressbar. For those running into the same thing, pressing ALT will show compatibilityview settings in Tools. File, Send are also found like this. Thanks, BS
  23. Yes a very nice theme, I like it alot :woot: Just saw something glitchy, don't know if that's me or if other people have this too: http://i.cubeupload.com/5RC7gx.png Never changes is always like this. Just passing it on, I love the theme. I'm using the newest IE9. Keep up the good work, :rockon: BS
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