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About macbeth

  • Birthday 01/03/1973

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    enemy territory
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    way for fun
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    Enemy Territory
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  1. i used all the rcon commands and still nothing :( and have punkbuster enable what can be wrong?
  2. had to reinstall this server and now i have ** Access Denied ** Account 442 is inactive. ip can you have a look please this server we have it since years and always been streamed so dunno what is wrong
  3. we use ipboard 3.3.4 for,our clan site and i cant add any banners or i missed something thanks you
  4. Evenbalance answered to mine ticket 11/04/2010 14:54:27 - Tony R I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. We expect to have an update out soon to address this issue. wait and see....
  5. so no more news from punkbuster ? :( we tried to back with punk and still a lot been kicked ..... more we will sent them a ticket maybe they will try to fix these crappy kicks if only we could run pbbans without punkbuster ....
  6. almos servers since their last updates are now w/o punk :( hope they are going to fix all that very soon
  7. thanks you so now we are back with PBBANS for our main server
  8. nous avons un probleme pour pouvoir bannir d
  9. penemuende_b2 i added this map 2 days ago and seems the problems started but not sure if it is the map we play noquarter 1.2.3 and when i watched the logs cuz we stucked on a map during the intermisson times so i had to do a restart server same with !mainmaps no way to can restart the rotation watched the logs i found for ALL THE PLAYERS these same lines: did you heard about this problem recently ? and how fix it? this happen mostly when the server is pretty full ( 35 players) the players are not kicked just we stuck on the last map during the intermission times [f926ab879210907cyyyy(?) 71.xxxxx:27960] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe handshaking failed [04.21.2009 20:37:46] RESTRICTION: ^5]WF[^7^1xxx^3X (slot #6) [fee1f55397c97e89a28c48e8f7yyyy(?) 69.xxxx:41613] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe initialization failed [04.22.2009 10:07:45] RESTRICTION: ^3zzzzzzz (slot #15) [4d638fd9be92cac9bed6d4yyyyy(?) 24.xxxx:27960] Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrA.exe [04.22.2009 14:01:00] RESTRICTION: zzzzz (slot #13) [adc46afb64930ba4db386a36yyyy(?) 98.xxxx:1783] Corrupted File/Memory [124008]
  10. yes work perfect with these settings :) NQ is agreat mod and they are still working on it for a newest release long life to enemy territory who will not dead so far at least it is a funny game and the guys have fun playing it
  11. same reason for i get this message when i tried to delete one of our server? PBBans | Server ErrorAn error has occured. This error has been logged. Error Information User Code ERR1232027663 Code 2 File class_hub.php Line 44 Additional Information Date/Time Jan 15, 2009 08:01 am IP Address XXXXXXXXXXX Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; GTB5; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.0) Referral http://www.pbbans.com/account/server.php?a...server_id=34039
  12. but u can do that waiting for a punk update pb_sv_restrictions setting 0 seems be fine so far Thursday 12.4.2003 [5:00PM] Version 1.061 of the PB Server for ET has been released to our PB Master Servers for auto-update and to our website download page. This version includes a new PunkBuster facility called PB Restrictions. By default, PB Restrictions are Enabled; the pb_sv_restrictions setting may be set to 0 by server admins who do not wish for PB to kick for PB Restrictions. Kicking for PB Restrictions will be announced to players that join PB servers in the "WARNING: PB Kicks for ... All PB Restrictions on this server" message shortly after joining a server where PB Restrictions are Enabled. Initially, this facility will only work properly on Internet based PB Servers but will be extended to LAN servers in a future update. We expect to activate PB Restriction logging/kicking after the next PB Client update. Players who are kicked for a PB Restriction will be notified of the reason they were kicked. Additionally, PB Restrictions will be logged on all PB Servers even when kicking is disabled. In general, the PB Restriction facility represents a tighter set of parameters for playing on PB Servers. A player who fails a PB Restriction check should not necessarily be considered a cheater, so we advise PB Admins to consider initial PB kicks for restrictions to be warnings to the players who are kicked so that they may either honor the restriction by correcting their setup or play on other servers. However, we also encourage PB admins to deal with repeat offenders of PB Restrictions as they see fit. The initial group of restrictions will deal with unusual opengl32.dll access or hooking. Players whose systems do not return proper information about the game using a single opengl32.dll system file will be considered restricted by this new facility (Note: Anyone still trying to play PB games running under Windows NT v4 is going to be considered restricted by default). Future updates may require the most current version of DirectX/display drivers to be installed, etc. We will gladly accept and consider suggestions for future restriction possibilities from the community via email to [email protected]. Release Notes for PB Server v1.061: new pb_sv_restrictions setting defaults to 1 (which means kicking for PB Restrictions is Enabled) addressed bug in Linux PB Server that caused PB to not be able to restart itself (such as after an update) on some Linux servers
  13. nothing new for this old problem ?
  14. Fix it of course
  15. http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?showuser=111479 I would like to add Mezmerize to my account
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