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Everything posted by pipes1

  1. i think this has gone on long enough, i feel until a recipient of this ban come forward with an EB ticket showing that this is a false wave or EB announces it them selves that this topic is going no where and fast
  2. unless its a server side then it needs to issue a pb_sv_update cmd
  3. thats a 3.4x scope with a laser attachment they do have the double crosshair for some reason, IDK why but it is there
  4. you have to work with PB/EB on this right now pbbans stand is until EB states a false positive you will be banned from any server that streams pbbans. and to add to that ACI and GGC have also added this ban to there list so the number of servers that one can play on is limited. they are out there and are full of cheaters but its a price one pays for having something on a system that can trigger a pb violation. good luck in your appeal to EB and have a wonderful ban
  5. why is it unjustified. a third party program was picked up that altered a memory process. pb is clear in that anything that can alter the game may result in a ban.
  6. if its reproduced like that though he would be unbanned when EB declares a false ban.
  7. what game?
  8. CE can be used in MP games and has been seen, its not pbbans/GGC/ACI or even PB to tell you you shouldn't use any software that changes things in a game. @Mayjay, i found it by mistake one time but i do remeber it, i have since i said that tried to find it my self and can't. i know its there but cant remeber where i did find it.
  9. prove them wrong, go through and search the directory agains yours and look for any file size difference, and files that shouldn't be in there. look deep into the computer it could be that he may have cheat engine on fort a game on FB, or a single players cheat that was picked up. all this can and will trigger a PB violation. you might find that he may have lied to you. you say he hasn't then have him prove it by digging into his computer and looking at things. i find in the even viewer there is a section (if it wasn't deleted) that will tell you everything that has been DL, installed or even moved. look there for anything into the origin folders. im sorry but for now until EB states otherwise your brother is banned
  10. the ban is not on the ip its on the GUID that is assciated to your brothers origin account. he would have to get a new origin account, buy a new game and i would also suggest a computer reformet and install to clear out everything that didnt come with the computer and watch what is being installed. being a repair shop owner you wouldn't believe the things installed on computers and then the owner says well it had an ok button so i clicked it. be careful of whats installed especially on a gaming machine
  11. GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD3 AMD FX 8350 OC @ 4.4GHZ 16GB Corsair Vengence DDR3 EVGA GTX 680 2GB PCIe Samsung 840 250GB SSD WD 320GB SATA WD 2TB SATA Windows 7 Pro 64Bit Antec TPQ-1200 All encased in an Cooler Master Elite 311 mid tower case
  12. funny i have nvidia with all the features on my gtx 680, its not the nvidia that causing it. most likely the cheat engine is running and getting picked up also keep in mind not all ppl are forth coming of what is on there machine
  13. you have to apply for admin and then register the servers and add the scripts to the servers.
  14. this is a third party Anti cheat site that allows server owners to stream logs and enforce bans that may or may not be caught by PB its self.
  15. not always, its a standard responce to a ban, keep at it they may just listen. might help to have you list all programs on your machine for them to rule out. also helps to come clean if you did cheat (not saying you did)
  16. you can have your friend write a ticket to EB and tell them the exact program he had running and they can then ask for it and analyze it. if they find maybe his ban will be removed
  17. thats a standard scope in bf4, i use it its one of the 3.4 scopes see this vid jump to 3:55 in the vid
  18. congrats on the 10yrs, and sorry you lost a good member
  19. just like bf3 had/still has a lot of bans
  20. you must click the link and install the java update in order to get it to work, i had to and thought mine was updated, is a seperate part of java never new it before. might have something to do with the new site updates
  21. i have only see fairfight work once and all it did was kill a guy for camping due to a 70-0 kill streak.
  22. not sure i would like to have a highly explosive drive in any computer.
  23. yes they are working just now they are dealing with a crashing issue
  24. im not sure a cross ban is a bad idea kinda like it
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