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Everything posted by pipes1

  1. wow no patients
  2. one problem i see now is, i can take and change my ip range and play get banned and then go back to my original ip and then be able to play again. baning by ip is not the way to go especially if someone wants to get anyone banned they will just use a vpn and what not.
  3. yea its called a private server only people who know the password can enter
  4. maybe thats why there doing it. idk just a thought
  5. He probably used it in bf3 got banned and then tried in bf4 and got the same
  6. pipes1


  7. i dont see any errors . did you enter the correct port number when registering your server? the port for aapg is 7778 not 8777
  8. it might be that your just a member and not really know to him. its up to the developer who does and doesn't get login creds at this time
  9. he will might be away
  10. pm singh for the credentials
  11. http://www.ggc-stream.net/search/server/guid/gid/1134468143cea870e4901beb40947176/game/41 your ban on ggc
  12. This is not punkbuster that's even balance.com Also note it says ggc-stream.net not pbbans.com
  13. pipes1

    Speed Test

    see wish i could get better rates as it stands right now until next month im paying 54.99 for that crap i have. hell with the company that taz has i could save money and have a lot better internet
  14. pipes1

    Speed Test

    TWC still sucks like always
  15. last i new there is a guy who has survived several lighting strikes.
  16. good for bf3/bf4 but what about aapg or aa3
  17. not sure i like this style of tool. feels complicated to me but hey im joining late in the game and it will take me a bit to figure out. so far looks great sucks about not allowing to import my color list but that's fine
  18. yea found it after i posted. now just to figure out all the details of your tool and how it works.
  19. all i can get is java 7 update 60. how can i get the java 8. mind you im still using win 7
  20. when i try to run your tool singh i get a java error " A Java Exception has occurred." and yes yes i have an 8 core 16gb ram and dual gtx770 if i could get it to run i could tell you
  21. true. but with win 9 coming out soon. 7 will be going just like xp, 2000, and the all famous ME
  22. if im understanding you right you need pbbans to remove a server so you can register it?
  23. Won't be the same code butdefinatly the same category
  24. pipes1

    riddle time

    Lol took me a minute
  25. would be nice but unsure. it might knowing that its easier to just reuse the guid then to issue a new one
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