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Everything posted by pipes1

  1. nice, dice has unpaid workiers still finding bugs
  2. pipes1

    Speed Test

    what are you on a 4 t3 lines or something
  3. thats just because your not supose to exit the game you must now live on the game. lol nice to hear there s not to many issues
  4. pipes1

    Speed Test

  5. dice definatly needs to take some pointers from these guys but BF$ is also on a new Engine when it launched
  6. run the auto config so that the streaming and scripts can be loaded to your server. for this you will need your server login credentials
  7. has anyone played this game yet, i got a copy with my gpu and im kinda starting to like it.
  8. I wish all games had the same guid would be the best thing for us
  9. all bans are never removed and what's happening to you is a cross game kick. there are servers you can play on, good luck finding them
  10. try to see if pb is out dated by issuing a pbupdate cmd via pb tab in procon
  11. wonder if maybe they will use what crysis used
  12. im sorry but i would never turn of AV, reason for this is simple. when your conencted to a server that is a forced open connection. all it would take is a simple worm to jump on the connection and wam free access to the computer. AV would help filter this out. back on topic has anyone tried a full fresh reinstall of pb with deleting all pb folders and reinstalling it via the pbsetup?
  13. i know as using paypal with my business is a hassle at times. basically, the bank would contact paypal and paypal would simple tell them where the payment went and will basically give them the same thing they told me. once a payment has reached the 45 days it can not be returned as the reciever may not have the funds to return the payment. if it was a bank to bank they can force a return but with paypal they can simple tell him its his lost and he wil have to file with the credit bureau. that take a while and then doent garrentee that the fund will be returned. i would loook at it this way. dont worry about it too much. if hes that much of a dick then he needs to go and if your really worried like surfy siad pay him back. i wouldn't pay back in full figure out the ammoint divided buy the monthly contributions used and then return the unused portion. after all he did use the services that it was intented to pay for anyway.
  14. well thats nice, wonder if it includes driver software as well. i dont see that going over well. could you imagin if dice did this with lets say 3dmonitors for example.
  15. well i can tell you this i dont use cheats and im a rank 110, its called hard work and tons of hours.
  16. pipes1

    Speed Test

  17. they might have gotten a corupted patch from the newest patch. i know our server works fine in rush. havent played much defuse (got back into aapg lately). best i can say is have the gsp maybe try a reinstall when they server is idle!!
  18. might have looked at the wrong list
  19. have you set the map rotation to 2. defuse rounds are just like rush rounds they require a map round setting of 2 inorder to run proper. check procon there might be somewhere in here thats conflicting with your servere side settings
  20. Game Battlefield 4 Players Banned 1,423 Lifted Bans 224 if they have been removed you would see it there, i think if my memory serves they may have been a couple removed but not much
  21. his other account http://www.ggc-stream.net/search/server/guid/gid/19cc0be8
  22. file an appeal. and please stop bashing pbbans on GGC.
  23. nick name no, guid spoofing yes
  24. most of the issues on the client side can be solve by DL pbsetup and updating the game pb files
  25. i would agree with that video
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