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Everything posted by pipes1

  1. then you are not banned here sounds like a ban straight from EB, whats the last eight (8) of the guid so one of the staff can double check for you
  2. you need to use your GUID and make an appeal using the ticket system. Also keep in mind this site is not EvenBalance.com. PBBans.com is a private third party site. They are not the creators of punkbuster.
  3. agreed even though i wont play the game its a huge mistake
  4. you need to make sure the server your goining is streaming to pbbans.com which is different than evenbalnce.com (pb creators) that way your game GUID is in the system.
  5. ur account looks active, you now need to set up streaming.
  6. 1. Dont hijack others threads 2. Use the ticket system thats the only way.
  7. with upgrading to windows 10 i went and purchased bitdefender
  8. even though i dont have access to your tool sing400, it is good to see you still going at it and working hard. Keep up the great progress as it seems your doing well.
  9. i have it going on my laptop seeing how it is on there and then going on my desktop
  10. funny, im sitting right at 5.97gb and its says its missing some files still. Man Microsoft is slow
  11. pipes1

    ggc stream

    and as an FYI its working again
  12. pbsvuser.cfg this file will do the same or you have to create the files. if your dual or multi streaming just add the pbbans lines to the end of the others
  13. not to shabby a price either
  14. I got it on my windows 7 desktop but not on my windows 8.1 laptop. I looked it up and it should be on there but I will have to wait and see if it will update later.
  15. its an auto process when its seen it will be dealt with just be patient. all of the staff are volunteers.
  16. aapg is 7778 aa3 is 8777
  17. only issue with that is how would you justify it so its fair for everyone. whats not to say thos was to happen again and then later find that the player gets banned for a pb violation.
  18. In my opinion, to ban based on a similar name is wrong. Not to mention as started there is no way to link a steam account to an origin account solely on the name. Any clan/gild/ or group that follows a ban happy group on metabans is in there own way ill informed. The best way/only way to weed out the good from the impossible is pbss or a valid pb violation.
  19. I do just don't have a need for one. what you do is great, don't give up on it someday it will pay off
  20. no surprise, why let a game get bashed on their own forums, when they are trying to promote it as a great game, which its not
  21. They where, the bf4 beta guid was different than the actual bf4 guid.
  22. only time will tell. Maydax seems like you need a helper, i do not volunteer but you just seem to overworked here in your free time.
  23. the way ggc works is they keep seperate lists for each game. However ACI which is another ANTICHEAT site. also collects data from GGC and thus if the server has them enabled will use the cross game kick and kick you out of the game. pbbans has the same feature they just dont share with ggc due to a conflict. as of right now we don't know if BFHL will use the same GUID like BF3, BF$, and MOHW
  24. He means valid streamed proof. with logs
  25. time to watch the ban lists.
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