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Everything posted by Cappy1892

  1. That girls got skills. Boot to the Karakers, double handed Ear Cup,front kick to the face followed by the coup de grace,a spinning roundhouse to the face. fellas gonna be sore in the morning.
  2. Hopefully they forget to remove the hack they used to overlay in the demo, then play on a streamed server. As Benway said "Best weapon to fight lame accusations is ignore."
  3. Didnt realise there was a timeline for asking questions..had the thread stated that the server was closed, then maybe he wouldnt have asked.
  4. I wouldnt use Score/KD ratio as confirmation of a hacker...there are many very good legit players. just play on PBBan streaming servers and your chances of playing hackers is reduced
  5. Im fed up of paying double the US rates for games on Steam..even tho the AU$ is stronger than the US$ ..its Racism i tells ya... At least with steam i can have my American/US mates "gift" me products and i just repay them via paypal.. Origin, has no function for "Gifting".. its a PITA
  6. Wish they would find a fix to mine constantly crashing Adobe Flash player.. Tried updating Adobe.tried updating FF.. end up having to use Google Chrome if i want to watch much on youtube..
  7. Love it.. :brownbag:
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