Patience is the key to everything. You never said shit in the main #pbbans channel. You have pm'd me twice with requests....but I have been away working other issues. If you would have bothered to ask any of the other admin they would have gladly spoken up.
Why is this so hard to understand? Johnny is the one who stopped his server streaming. He did this a few days before he left and made a new home with the cheaters. Johnny's server will never be allowed to stream to PBBans.
We never accused Johnny of cheating.....but what he did can never be excused. He is obviously happier in his new home. Oh, but wait, he wants to stream so he can try to get back in good standing with CB.
Fruity, did someone explain to you why your account was set to normal user now? Sharing your username and password is a violation of PBBans TOS. You provided fr!zzl3 your login information.