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Everything posted by Johnny|sF

  1. well... that means that we can expect an update from pb as well :)
  2. I got no path selected/entered so its going to the default /server/.sof2/pb/svss
  3. in the script the cvar "pb_sv_sspath" is set to "" meaning that the pbss will keep going where you have set them to go before you ran the script.
  4. check "pb_sv_sspath" dont know if you mean logs or pbss. as far as I know you can only stream logs to pbbans.com of which you keep the originals on your own server. the streaming logs part you gotto talk to rodeobob about, I got nothing to do with the streaming of logs and all except that I set the cb&pbbans scripts to stream the logs to pbbans.com
  5. I play fine with 80 fps.
  6. highest quality... LOL! I can tell by the detailed ground and the size of the screenshot. Is that lag right there? Hmmm, he seems to fly in a wall... the groundline looks straight 2 right... :P nah, that aint highest graphics.
  7. hehe, I know he said that he turned the vert. sync to 0 but I just said it again since vert. sync is the only setting that limits your fps to a certain fps.
  8. I dont like to pay for services which should be for free.
  9. vertical sync mate :) turn it off...
  10. you can do the namelock without registration with pb :)
  11. good, because I downloaded some pictures from kazaa and I dont know for sure if they are real.
  12. it sux. I have ACDsee and microsoft office picture manager... they are the best. Much more features in them... specially ACDSee
  13. But best thing is to register as server admin here so we can provide you with more tools, info, support and sources
  14. I show you something cooler mate: //Protect nicknames - PB_SV_NameLock [GUID or partial match] [Name to Lock] PB_SV_NameLock 5fd90448c5dsdfe7e726714341cf4179 Johnny-Mnemonic|sF PB_SV_NameLock 5fd90448c5dsdfe7e726714341cf4179 Johnny|sF PB_SV_NameLock 5fd90448c5dsdfe7e726714341cf4179 Johnny_Q|sF PB_SV_NameLock 5fd90448c5dsdfe7e726714341cf4179 Johnny_Q PB_SV_NameLock 5fd90448c5dsdfe7e726714341cf4179 Johnny-Mnemonic
  15. please fill in all information needed and/or make sure you meet all requirements to be a registered server admin. when you do that you will notice a whole new sof2 forum section for you with all the info and tools you need to get the best out of your pb enabled server.
  16. // ¥ SCRIPT NeWGeN // ¥ // ¥ // ¥ // ¥ // ¥ Scripting By Lucifer =AM= // ¥ // ¥ NewGeN by Mister L // ¥ unbindall // ¥ Network and Game Settings // ¥ bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind MOUSE3 "exec Devil.cfg" set quiet 1 seta cl_allowDownload "0" seta rate "10000" seta com_hunkmegs "384" seta cl_maxPing "500" seta cl_packetdup "2" seta snaps "40" seta cl_maxpackets "80" seta cg_drawFPS "1" seta com_maxFPS "125" seta cg_drawRadar "2" seta cg_fov 80 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //| //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //| // ¥ NeWGeN (Average) Lucifer Vecs //| // ¥ //| set aimvec 5 1.000 28.25 //Player doing a leanright standing //| set aimvec2 5 1.109 26.65 //Player doing a leanleft standing //| set aimvec3 5 1.000 2.6 //Player doing a leanright crouch & walkright //| set aimvec4 5 1.109 1.9 //Player doing a leanleft crouch & walkleft //| set aimvec5 5 1.000 2.6 //Player doing a lean crouch right //| set aimvec6 5 1.109 1.9 //Player doing a lean crouch left //| set aimvec7 5 0 16.55 //Player doing a walk crouch //| set aimvec8 5 0 35.50 //Player standing still, jumping //| set aimvec9 -5 0 -6 //Player crouching leaning moving opposite directions //| set aimvec10 5 0 29.135 //Player running //| set aimvec11 5 1.109 26.6 //Player leaning left walk left //| set aimvec12 5 0 20.75 //Player leaning left walk right //| set aimvec13 5 0 28.2 //Player leaning right walk right //| set aimvec14 5 0 20.75 //Player leaning right walk left //| set aimvec15 -5 0.0 8.888 //Player idle crouch //| // //| bind MWHEELDOWN "set aimvec10 5 0 25.75;set burst 35 15;echo ^t[ ^tVec10 25.75:^3Burst 35 15 ]" //| bind MWHEELUP "set aimvec10 5 0 29.135;set burst 35 15;echo ^t[ ^tVec10 29.135:^3Burst 35 15 ]" //| //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //| //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //| there is more but this is what the file is... a configuration to set a cheat.
  17. if you run rmg maps then there is no way that they can clam not NOT NOTICE it.
  18. /pb_guid /condump myguid.txt
  19. you used anti-recoil program which is cheat plus your guid got caught.
  20. We are an anti-cheat community. Thats our policy. Anti-Cheat is our business... finding pcw's or cw's is not what we do, neither is arranging them. you spammed off-topic messages which irritated ALOT of guys. It is oke to idle in the #pbbans channel... but if you also helped in the channel with the anti-cheat instead of only spamming for wars we... and dep wouldnt have to be this hard on you.
  21. I agree... we will voice the ones we think deserves a voice :) we dont want any non-anti-cheat related subjects in the public #pbbans channel :)
  22. if you are a server admin then register here at www.pbbans.com and we show/give you all the tools and cfg's needed to make your server a better place.
  23. pmove_fixed and pmove_msec are not added to the banlist, tho alot of server admins have it limited because of their own reasons. they wont ban you for it either.
  24. I know what you mean znabela, I tried the same thing, supporting both community's. but when cb allowed the mbi from this site I switched from streaming from the other site to thi site. thats when the trouble begon. as soon as they found out that I was active on this site and streaming to this site they started to flame me for all the things I did. it suddenly seemed as if it didnt matter that I found a way to stop ALOT of cheaters by making a cvarlist for all community. they feel like they are the best and you should do what they say, they force you to stream in order to get an up to date banlist. same as for not using their banlist, they looked down on me as if I was as worst as a cheater just because I run my personal banlist. then I started to questioning the creditability or however you call it of the banlist of the other site. it appeared that they are missing ALOT of logs of the bans they got, tho they keep on screaming that they are THE BEST and THE MOST LEGIT anti-cheat site around. this attitude made me sick which costed me my membership at the other site. Down With The Fruit gave me a personal treatement and banned me from the forum of the other site. thats what you get as thanks for what you did for the community. so when I look what this site does and what the other site does... the way we handle things around here are more professional and less aimed at WE ARE THE BEST, DONT GO TO THE OTHER SITE and IF YOU GO TO THE OTHER SITE WE BAN YOU. just my opinion.
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