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  On 3/8/2010 at 2:36 AM, Unleashed2k said:

Cafe Flesh HARDCORE FWF Clan Server and using that IP streaming works fine. Seems you also have the issue where the server is not binding the proper ip and port to your server.

  On 3/7/2010 at 6:08 PM, tankmayhem01 said:

Hi guys,


New to owning a server. I'm trying apply for team application ( trying to setup pbbans on my bad company2 server)


But it says the ip is blacklisted when I submit info.


Why is it blacklisted? Just got it on the 2nd of march...


Don't see that server IP on our blacklist. Try again.


I cannot connect to RCON using that IP. I get "InvalidPasswordHash"

but if I put in IP I have, it works.


I'm not sure what to do now?

  On 3/8/2010 at 3:33 AM, Unleashed2k said:

I cannot connect to RCON using that IP. I get "InvalidPasswordHash"

but if I put in IP I have, it works.


I'm not sure what to do now?


Ask your gsp to take a look at the ip bindings. Might be a R5 server issue but that's unknown at this point.

Posted (edited)

Had some problem before R5. i'll just talk to them


Edited by Unleashed2k



I've followed the instructions for streaming to the T and for whatever reason the server still seems to be failing to stream.


I've even emptied the UCON list and then repopulated with your ucon profile.


Is there any know issues with streaming in BFBC2.


Server is hosted by GameServers.





Posted (edited)

My server was set up with the webtool , i can't get my server to stream sadly enough

IP and port :


Query Port19877

Admin Port19877

PunkBuster Port19962



[03.08.2010 15:57:53] PB Log File 35863\pb\svlogs\00000039.log Opened for BC2 (w)

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] 0 Power Players loaded from 35863\pb\pbpower.dat

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] 0 PB Rcon Filters loaded from 35863\pb\pbrcon.dat

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] 0 Map lines loaded from 35863\pb\pbsvmaps.cfg

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] pb_sv_LogAddr =

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] pb_sv_LogUser = 4897

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] pb_sv_LogPort = 24435 (1 to 65535)

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] Attempting to resolve master7.evenbalance.com

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] Resolved to []

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] PunkBuster Server for BC2 (v1.724 | A1382 C2.158) Enabled

[03.08.2010 15:57:53] Game Version [521187]

[03.08.2010 15:58:14] pb_sv_USessionLimit = 8 (0 to 16)

[03.08.2010 15:58:15] PB UCON Profile added type=1 mask="" name="pbbhub1"

[03.08.2010 15:58:16] pb_sv_AutoUpdBan = 1 (0 to 1)

[03.08.2010 15:58:18] PB Scheduled Task Added: 0 3600 pb_sv_ver

[03.08.2010 15:58:18] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #1) pb_sv_ver

[03.08.2010 15:58:19] Config File written to 35863\pb\pbsv.cfg

Edited by AdmiralAnal
Posted (edited)

our server is now streaming, as soon as i got the email from myis saying they were done patching with the r6 patch, i checked our server and it s now streaming




Edited by packet_loss
  On 3/9/2010 at 8:14 PM, packet_loss said:

our server is now streaming, as soon as i got the email from myis saying they were done patching with the r6 patch, i checked our server and it s now streaming





Its possible that your GSP forced PB to off as requested by EA/DICE but with the update to R6 this is no longer required to be off as R6 is supposed to fix PB disconnects.


I have read through the forums and been patient to wait for all these updates, thinking that then they will work on making it easier for the Server Admins to have the proper tools to work with. I am very frustrated.

I did get my server to stream...that was the easy part thanks to your webtool...or at least it says it is streaming. I posted a ticket at Game Servers and asked them ( only because someone else here said they asked and got this)


"We are streaming pbbans, and need to have access to certain files. ( some are available in the Control panel but they don't work)














I doni't know if you do this via a limited ftp access

or through the control panel.


Is this something you can provide?"


The response I got was ...I'm afraid this is not something that we can provide.



So.. I have two different 3rd party control panels that we use to kick or ban with, and they are very limited.

If you close them they lose all their settings.


We had a group on our server last night that we are so very suspicious of.. and even though we could ban them and

be done with it... we really can't prove what they are doing, and I have no where to go to get screen shots to see what they

are seeing.


I do not see any of the messages that pbbans used to put on the screen, but that doesn't seem to work in this game.


Call me frustrated, but I don't know where else to turn. Our server is for our clan to get together and play and have fun,

and when we get a few of these guys who just kill from impossible places and positions.. Our people get upset and leave

because.. we can't prove their using hacks, but it is just too obvious that they aren't.


So I am left with banning the entire group manually, and will have to reload this list everytime the server restarts.


I am sorry I am just needed to vent. I know you don't need this here and can delete this if it is inappropriate.


Any suggestions would be wonderful, and greatly appreciated. Maybe I am just not using the tools properly or something.


Thanks for your time.


Well if you aren't using bc2 guardian (http://g4g.pl/bc2guardian), I would recommend it. The latest update allows the capability to grab the GUID of anyone on the server and you can then use that to do a pb_sv_banguid and get rid of them that way. I'm pretty sure the latest version of bc2 guardian also properly saves and loads the ban list (names and IPs) on restart. Only way to remove a single ban though from that is to clear the whole ban list unfortunately.



PB_SV_BanGuid [guid] [player_name] [iP_Address] [reason]

Adds a guid directly to PB's permanent ban list; if the player_name or IP_Address are not known, we recommend using "???"


As for any PBBans messages, welcome messages/greetings and scrolling messages do not work right now because punkbuster can't interact fully with RCON right now. This may change in the future.

Posted (edited)

I am trying to get bc2cc to work as well as bc2 guardian, but still to no avail.....sigh


Server Info:



Port: 19617

Edited by {D}G^ch3m!c@L
  On 3/18/2010 at 10:24 PM, {D}G^ch3m!c@L said:

I am trying to get bc2cc to work as well as bc2 guardian, but still to no avail.....sigh


Server Info:



Port: 19617


Try running the webtool for the PBBans streaming.




You will need to use the admin port and password which you can get from your GSP it is not the same as your game join port.


Once you have this port and password it will also be the same information to use for BC2 guardian.

  On 3/18/2010 at 11:11 PM, (FG) mastermc0 said:

Try running the webtool for the PBBans streaming.




You will need to use the admin port and password which you can get from your GSP it is not the same as your game join port.


Once you have this port and password it will also be the same information to use for BC2 guardian.


When i click on that all i see is :

This application only prepares your server to stream to PBBans. Once complete you will need to add the server ip to your account. If you do not have a PBBans account visit here for more information on how to create one.

Please note this tool WILL overwrite the pbsv.cfg file by default on your server (By issuing the pb_sv_writecfg command). If you do not wish to overwrite your config, please uncheck the Write Config box. If you are running any league configs we advise not enabling the Write Config option.

This java based applicaton is client side only and no data is stored on or sent to the PBBans website
For more information on applet security please visit Sun Java.


I do not see anything to click or fill out etc....


FYI : if your java is not up to date (firefox addons) you will not see the tool load screen. So after a simple java update i think i got it fixed.




Ok i went trough this thread and tried basicly everything.


I did setting up streaming manual. It did all the commands but no streaming.

I used the webtool the tool said no problems all ok but no streaming.


Then i used the log file to check my server ips they returned to me always the same on port 19567.


I checked my pbucon it looks the same as the rest.


So what am i doing wrong.



  Reveal hidden contents



IP of the server is:

Name of the server is: Chicago HC RUSH FF on thadpg.com



Team: Dogg Pound Gangstas (thadpg*)

Account ID: 3121

Streaming Status: Streaming (5 / 5)




Server List


BFBC2 - (Streaming)

BFBC2 - (Streaming)

COD4 - (Streaming)

COD4 - (Streaming)

CODWW - (Streaming)



All of the servers are streaming thadpgThunderbolt

  • 2 months later...

I have 8 total servers. I have 5 listed with you guys for now, out of those five 3 went down or inactive due to EA and Dice b/c now they dont show up in the browser. How do i get them not to be inactive or restart them when Ea sorts its sht out???

Any help would be great.



  • 8 months later...

Well now I'm at a loss, my control panel shows punkbuster enabled, it is a ranked BFBC2 server so it is supposed to be forced enabled. Issue is, when I try the online webtool, it states PBserver is disabled. Am I missing a step?


PB on the server might be corrupt. Try asking your host to reinstall it.




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