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lean + crouch scripts

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I have seen alot more people these days using the lean and crouch scripts in wars and to me it seems like theyare cheating.

can someone confirm if the script is a cheat, or if they can get banned for using it, as its gettin very tedious!

oh yeah this is on Sof2 (gold).




Its lame to use something like that but its not cheating....thats my opinion


maybe you could use some cvar restrictions. Depends on those scripts.


It's not cheating and no leagues ban for it.. however you can do bind searches for the actions in use and ban them on your own server if you feel the need.

  teK{UK} said:

It's not cheating and no leagues ban for it..

It may not be cheating in the original sense but I have not seen a league that will allow it. Scripts in every league I have been in were a big no-no! There's really nothing you can do against them (that I know of) other than searching for them and banning if/when you find them.

  TRUFR34K said:

It may not be cheating in the original sense but I have not seen a league that will allow it. Scripts in every league I have been in were a big no-no! There's really nothing you can do against them (that I know of) other than searching for them and banning if/when you find them.


I'm with you on tht 1...last time I checked the lean\crouch script was a bannable offense on league game play . the last guy I seen use it bounced side to side so fast that he moved even faster then bullits from the mg trying to hit him. I do a server side ban when I see it being used.

  AcE said:

There's no mg in sof2 dude

My bad, when I said MG aka machine gun I meant any gun that shoots as fast as 1 .... uzi would be a close match-up.....

  TRUFR34K said:

It may not be cheating in the original sense but I have not seen a league that will allow it. Scripts in every league I have been in were a big no-no! There's really nothing you can do against them (that I know of) other than searching for them and banning if/when you find them.

Well i'll rephrase what i said haha, i've never seen a european league that bans for crouch lean scripts :P

hi im abother memebr of bk -




i just wanna say its ok been able to ban players on our own server for lean and crouch that isent hard we just have to find them, but when it comes to playing a pcw on our server or theres and the other clan use it, it becomes very annoying is there no way that pb can create and automatic ban as if it were wall hack or something. because ive seen alot of players use it and its getting on my nerves. if nothing is done soon i will use it my self. thanks guys best wishes.


  Nino said:

so whats the command and how do you search for it ?

Posted (edited)

I know least in TWL sof2 when i was in there- Scripts like that wer a No No


We would have our server set up to catch some- people during match play have been busted and couldnt use them- I even had my demo sent in b/c someone cryed crouch lean on me and admins had to check it out


So sof2 matches and ladders and such- everyone that I ever been In- Any script like that was a No No and considered a cheat- IMO its a cheat- if U cant crouch and lean by pressing your keys then dont crouch and lean- Isnt that hard


So best advise i can give u is- have your server set up to check for every script that is known- Now I heard its ok in Pubs if servers dont check for em. But matches, Nope not allowed

Edited by LadyHaXshe

// Movement & Dodging Binds

bind e "+movedown;+leanright" // add ;+moveright for movement

bind q "+movedown;+leanleft" // add ;+moveleft for movement


this is my favorite .... but I have to agree with above, when we played TWL this script was forbidden.


bottom line is your playing on a quake 3 engine, you can do what ever you like on your server. Just remember that even though you scan for this in a players config, DONT mean the player is not using a N54 Nostromo game pad or other device that they can create macro's, to do the exact same thing plus add a few bunny hopps and a shot here and there.


Having these scripts dont make you an eleet player, hell some gamerz only have 3 fingers on each hand ..... why should they not be able to duck lean and slide with 1 ...lmao :blink:


I hope that script can be useful for your detection, if you choose to do that. IMO its not a 'cheat' its just dirty .... but fun ;)

  stymie said:

this is my favorite .... but I have to agree with above, when we played TWL this script was forbidden.


bottom line is your playing on a quake 3 engine, you can do what ever you like on your server. Just remember that even though you scan for this in a players config, DONT mean the player is not using a N54 Nostromo game pad or other device that they can create macro's, to do the exact same thing plus add a few bunny hopps and a shot here and there.


Having these scripts dont make you an eleet player, hell some gamerz only have 3 fingers on each hand ..... why should they not be able to duck lean and slide with 1 ...lmao :blink:


I hope that script can be useful for your detection, if you choose to do that. IMO its not a 'cheat' its just dirty .... but fun ;)


ok but that still doesnt answer my question of how to search and stop it ? :P

thanks for your help

if you know the way to search for it could you please post the command thanks <<< newbie

Posted (edited)

Try something like this..

Pb_sv_task 10 600 "pb_sv_bindsrch +movedown"
Pb_sv_task 30 600 "pb_sv_bindsrch +leanleft"
Pb_sv_task 50 600 "pb_sv_bindsrch +leanright"
Put that into your pbsvuser.cfg and restart PB on your server. You'll have to have PBB var logging on, then go through your PB log files and look for what it finds.. It will find all the keys/binds with those values in them :) Edited by teK{UK}

I think stymie hit it on the head, IMO I could care less about lean scripts or movement scripts because you can have hardware that does the same thing. I think in the big picture there are bigger fish to fry and I much rather play a leaner then a wallahck or aimbot. The scipts I dont like are scripts that change or manipulate rate of fire the speed of weapon changes or connectivity values for warping across the map after a flag pick up or durring a heated fight. The thing also is that these Multiplayer Private hacks have these scripts built in the program already and are native to the software as a standard. So you can ban the guy that added a lil cfg to his game if you want and because you have no proof that the guy with a joystick/nostromo/gamepad or aimbot has it they get to continue to play. I don't think it's fair IMO to signal out cfg users when we can't bust them all. It's liek getting a speeding ticket when 5 cars around you were bumper to bumper with you but beacuse your car is RED you get the ticket...


Yep I've never heard of any league or ladder that allows them always a big NO NO & in my opinion it's cheating if you can't do leaning+crouching+shooting naturaly on your own with a keyboard/mouse/gamepad/joystick.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ill add my 2 cents here, as i do on every forum i see this topic come up in...


i use this same post, wiht a few minor changes on every forum so forgive me if somethign in it has nothgin to do with this topic :rolleyes: lol



Scripts aren't illegal - those smart enough to use them have an advantage. When Punkbuster allows a range for cvars, it's obvious that any value inside that range is legal. It's when people "break" the rules and go outside the allowable ranges... ie, when they have to hack the PB files (like the Darkshadow boys), or wallhack or aimbot - that is cheating.

I agree with this quote, taken from a fellow gamer 100%, what these guys are basically saying is binds are illigal! come on people! if it was eligal, PB would ban for it and the game would not give the specific option of the magic litte ; that allows you to bind more than one thing to one key. if we started to get realy picky here, we could say that having a bind to say somethign is an unfair advantage because we dont have to type, thats basically wut u guys are saying, because some only have to push one key to do a high jump, they can do it faster, they must be cheating.... GROW UP!!


ill bet you if you emailed a raven admin, and a PB admin, they would both say "it is allowed within the ranges for the CVARS, therefor it is considered legal, stop whining over a damn bind"


and as for the legues banning them... thats their choise, if they wanna get picky because people have realised how to use a ; then all the power to them, but it is not a hack, cheat, whaterver you want to call it, ITS SIMPLY A BIND, i challenge you all when tlaking about other players, have proof, not just copy and past, take a screenshot so we know its legit, and dont bother useing paintshop, you wont get away with it... then, once youve got that down, every time you go to say "script" say "bind" instead





I hate whiners almost as much as hackers, seriously, there are peole out there useing wallhacks, aimbots and speed hacks, and you guys are here complaining because someone knows where the ; is on the keyboard? and as mentioned here, there is hardware to give the same result. IMO, its no big deal, move on, get over it. your just complaining over nothing...


However, i will admit that some "scripts" do go to far, like the few mentioned above such as the connection and speed scripts, thats goin a bit to far wiht it i think...


anyway, thats enough for one post... and please people stop worrieing about the guy in the backyard stealin an apple off the tree and worrie about the guy in the front stealing your car!

Posted (edited)

OverKill, your post was to the point and yet very ammusing...I'm guessing from it you use the bind....do this for me, shoot a player while he is using the bind, use the fastest rapid fire gun SoF2 has to offer against this player,,,,you will miss with every shot...the bind moves faster then the bullets...pretty ammusing isnt it.....


Btw, you mentioned speed hack..that bind IS a form of speed hack...


You reminded me of the guy who once said "so what if I cheat, alot of others cheat so it's ok if I do to"......

Edited by Tim

like i said, some of them are bad, im talking about the basic ones, like high jump and stuff... i honestly do not see what the big deal is if someone only has to puch one key to do a high jump?? :huh:


Well again I would like to point out that this thread was started for EDUCATIONAL purposes and the only way to educated and share information with eachother on the Grey areas like this is to express opinions and point of views. Some of the verbage in your last post was a little over zealouse and harsh. Not all posters have the knowledge or experiance as others so there questions and comments are just as valid as anyone elses.


If I did what some of you guys do I would just post something like "Scripting has been around for 5 years with SOF2 and talked about for ages, just now getting to it? LOL noobs"

A lot of these guys posting are New to the Online Multiplayer Genre and are seeking help for the first time and as a first time poster I wouldnt be too receptive to your last post.. We need to post with the intent to help not be condencending to the other posters. You will repeat yourself and reference many threads that allready exist to give light to repeatative seemingly "stupid" questions.


I guess in a nut shell what Im saying is, is that If "Killer" posts about scripts dont make him feel like a dumbass for it or incinuate that the question is soley based on gamming performance, help him/her and move on.. Also stay on topic..


Now if "RodeoBob" or "DentalX" ask in a post if they can test out their hax in a server to be crime fighter vigilantes then yes I feel a big fat NOOB sign is warranted... along with never living it down... :D

  • 4 weeks later...

Wise words Murderur. As a side note I would like to point out hat the nostromo is not a bad piece of hardware for scripting Rcon commands. I can generally ban the jerk causing trouble before he can complete the sentence F off Im out of this lame server. Yes you are son, good day. I dont use it for play though, theres no good jump key. No I do not think people should be able to macro actions in the game, why play if you cant. DC

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