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whole config?


goto your svlogs folder if a user is currently on your server download/open the 'current' log file i.e. search by date/time find the latest log open it up and read thru it :)


that will show you if hes got any 'user cvars' and quite a few of his game settings etc.


I'm just wondering why you need whole his config for.


Well if you want to see some of his cvars and binds use these commands:







For more info visit EvenBalance.


You will find result of these commands in pb folder.

  foxdie said:

I'm just wondering why you need whole his config for.


Well if you want to see some of his cvars and binds use these commands:







For more info visit EvenBalance.


You will find result of these commands in pb folder.

yeh to bad that doesnt output the text to rcon/console :D it outputs it to the svlogs files :D


I think that its due to UDP that is used in the most of rcon protocols. UDP is not reliable and one half of data would be lost.

Posted (edited)
  foxdie said:

I think that its due to UDP that is used in the most of rcon protocols. UDP is not reliable and one half of data would be lost.


Thanks guys. I found it. I still need to learn some more things. I was looking for lean stuff. Like this.



[From #12 (VALID) ^5#^7$a^5!^7nt^5^^[^7cM^5]] "leanright" "leanleft" "zzzz" "slideright" "right" "slideleft" "left" [7 user cvars found]

[12.28.2005 16:01:37] [From #12 (VALID) ^5#^7$a^5!^7nt^5^^[^7cM^5]] leanright = "+leanright;wait;wait;wait;wait;+movedown;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;+moveleft




[12.28.2005 16:01:37] [From #12 VALID) ^5#^7$a^5!^7nt^5^^[^7cM^5]] leanleft = "+leanleft;wait;wait;wait;wait;+movedown;wait;wait;wait;wait;+moveright;wait




Edited by toxin

This is PBBans.....not ScriptKiddie.com not sure if anyone here can help ya much with those types of scripts :)


yeh unfortunatly not much can be done about people using legit game commands to benefit themselfs.. I recently caught someone using a anti recoil script on one of my servers. all u can do is if you suspect someone of using a script to run the command(s) foxdie suggested and checking your logs for the output.


if hes using a script that 'benfits' him in a way that it shouldnt its upto YOUR discretion (as the game admin) to Locally ban him for using it.


( i personally ban for using anti recoil scripts though on my main server my Mod disables specific commands so anti recoil scripts dont work.. )


Yeah I run a few servers and try to keep them fair, but there has been alot of leaning in the server lately. Thats why I wanted to see who the heck is using this crap in my server. I didnt think these were allowed in matches. I will have to check out teamware and see. We had a match and almost all of those guys would crouch lean and move right and left so fast. I appreciate all the help guys. Thanks

  toxin said:

Yeah I run a few servers and try to keep them fair, but there has been alot of leaning in the server lately. Thats why I wanted to see who the heck is using this crap in my server. I didnt think these were allowed in matches. I will have to check out teamware and see. We had a match and almost all of those guys would crouch lean and move right and left so fast. I appreciate all the help guys. Thanks

You mentioned "Yeah I run a few servers and try to keep them fair".....no offense but if in fact your own statement is correct,,,,why aren't you streaming yet ?


Streaming??? I am. Atleast I am pretty sure that I have all that set up correct. I think I have to have it right to be in teamwarefare. It says that it is. Is there any settings that i need to do to update it?


Ok I looked in my servers config and these are in there. Is this what you mean?


seta sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"

seta sv_master2 "clanservers.net"

seta sv_master1 "master.sof2.ravensoft.com"


no you would have a file called pbsvlog.cfg in your PB folder with something along the lines of


pb_sv_LogAddr xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx <-- would be pointing to pbbans streaming service

pb_sv_LogPort xxxxxx <--- the port for the specific streaming server

pb_sv_LogUser someusername <-- what ever your assigned for username

pb_sv_Logpw somepassword <-- some password that you would want or be assigned.

  toxin said:

Streaming??? I am. Atleast I am pretty sure that I have all that set up correct. I think I have to have it right to be in teamwarefare. It says that it is. Is there any settings that i need to do to update it?


Ok I looked in my servers config and these are in there. Is this what you mean?


seta sv_master3 "master0.gamespy.com"

seta sv_master2 "clanservers.net"

seta sv_master1 "master.sof2.ravensoft.com"

if you elect to stream your cheat logs to an evenbalance repository all your cheaters will be auto added to our Master Ban List,you will get 2 forum status upgrades which will give you more forum access and access to some unique tools for server admins that are provided by pbbans .. if your interested in streaming just update your profile and let a staff member know via the forum or irc (quakenet .. channel #pbbans)



streaming to a repository creates no lag or any adverse effects to your server

only 100% bona fide cheats make it to our MBI (all backed up with original log entries)

streaming makes it impossible for a server admin to fake log entries


our integrity is paramount and we expect the integrity of our streaming admins to be of the same high calibre .. joining this "elite" bunch :P is as easy as upgrading your forum profile and choosing the path you wish to take,either using Foxdie's unique to pbbans jpat tool or adding 4 lines to your pbsv.cfg like this;


pb_sv_LogUser xxxxxxxx //a username of your choice

pb_sv_LogPw xxxxxxxx //a password of your choice

pb_sv_LogAddr //remote_log_address (this is the IP of the repository server do not change)

pb_sv_LogPort 24389 //remote_log_port (this is the port of the repository server,do not change)


then let Bob know your username and password via a forum pm or a pm on irc


its that simple for anyone who wishes to make a true positive contribution to this site and what it stands for ..all you need is a game server and a determination to provide the players that connect to it with the cleanest game environment possible :)


p.s. and it costs nothing :D

Posted (edited)

I would love to do that. Do I just make a pbsvlog.cfg in the pb folder? If so I will do that today. I also pmed bob.

Edited by toxin
  Pinacle said:

yeh unfortunatly not much can be done about people using legit game commands to benefit themselfs.. I recently caught someone using a anti recoil script on one of my servers. all u can do is if you suspect someone of using a script to run the command(s) foxdie suggested and checking your logs for the output.


if hes using a script that 'benfits' him in a way that it shouldnt its upto YOUR discretion (as the game admin) to Locally ban him for using it.


( i personally ban for using anti recoil scripts though on my main server my Mod disables specific commands so anti recoil scripts dont work.. )

I have been on MoO forums in austrailia thruought my search and I came across an acusation of someone hacking because their rifle did not recoil. Im sorry Im a bit of a noob and not highly educated. Are you saying that this is a scropt and not a (hack) per say? I am sure they would be very interested in any knowledge you have and if you dont mind I may put them in touch with you directly. It's a fairly critical matter in their case. DC

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