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i lol'd


While I despise the blops dogs, that was pretty cute.


+1 for something that will make the guys laugh.


Game Modes: How You’ll Play

Black Ops II offers four main game modes. The game types in Core mode should look mostly familiar:

  • Team Deathmatch
  • Free-For-All
  • Domination
  • Demolition
  • Kill Confirmed
  • Hardpoint
  • Headquarters
  • Capture the Flag
  • Search & Destroy

Yes, Kill Confirmed is, uh, confirmed for Black Ops II, thanks to its popularity in MW3. New game type Hardpoint is Treyarch’s take on classic “king of the hill” matches, where all the players rush to the same place on the map and try to hold it the longest (until it moves). No bomb to defuse or destroy, no flag to capture or defend – just be the man or try to beat the man. Vahn describes it as “total chaos, super fast-paced, super fun.” Of these Core game types, three will be available for multi-team play: TDM, Kill Confirmed, and Hardpoint. You can create games with up to six teams, including lopsided ones for handicap matches. If you want to create an 11-on-1 match and have someone CODcast it as well, go for it.


The Theater is Open

The ability to make your own short films from gameplay was a huge draw for the original Black Ops as well as MW3, yet some gamers were frightened off by its complexity. “You do not have to be a film director to enjoy a film,” suggests Vahn, so Theater is being improved for both serious directors and newbies who prefer to point and shoot bullets instead of scenes.


New social features will make things easier for both camps. You can now easily bookmark a film and find it later; that way you don’t have to stop playing with friends and edit your footage before you forget when and where something cool happened. Game footage contains enhanced metadata, including not only time and date but also the map, the game mode, and even your stats. That means if you remember going 30 and 2 (assuming that’s not an everyday occurrence), you can search for games where you went 30 and 2 and it’ll show up right away. Your victories are also sorted separately since those are the games you’re more likely to want to remember and share. A community tab makes it easy to see what your pals are up to in Theater mode, and a new up/down voting makes it simple for the community to anoint its favorite films. “You’ve got to be able to browse it like watching a movie on Netflix,” stresses Vahn.


For the dedicated film editors, Black Ops II will not only allow 20 clips in a film (twice as many as the original Black Ops), but it will let you combine those clips, sort of like “bouncing down tracks” in a multitrack audio recording. Say you’ve used 20 clips but you want to add more. Combine 19 of those clips into one – the edits of which you logically can’t go back and tweak later – and you’ve just freed up 18 more clip slots. The dolly cam is returning for epic sweeping shots, plus you see game footage from the first-person perspective of any player, and you can now attach the camera to any object. That’s right – you can now see every glorious/cheap RPG kill from the rocket’s point of view.


The New Prestige

One of the biggest changes in Black Ops II has to be its Prestige system. Traditionally, when you reach the maximum level in the game, you can choose to Prestige and start a new lap of progress. That’s still the case, but as with so many things in Black Ops II, the team scrutinized every system of Call of Duty and only kept the parts that made sense to them. “We are really challenging the assumption that Prestige means ‘let’s do that all over again,’” says Vahn. “Why is it like that? Maybe Prestige should be a continuation, not a reset or a do-over — not trading all your stats for an icon. That’s cruel.”


So, in Black Ops II, activating Prestige mode does not reset your weapon XP or your Challenge progress – you simply pick up where you left off when you wrap around. “Black Ops II is designed to continue to be played,” explains Vahn. “We want you to Prestige.” Each time you do, you will receive a Prestige Unlock Token, which is different from the standard level progression token. You can use this to ignore the level gate and unlock an item permanently, much like you can in MW3. You can choose between adding a create-a-class slot, resetting all your stats to factory-fresh status (“Keep your little brother away from that button,” warns Vahn), or refunding your standard level tokens. Like re-speccing or re-rolling your character in an MMO, a refund will give you back all the unlock tokens you have spent so far in that Prestige level for you to redistribute as you see fit. Vahn illustrated with a specific example from his own experience: Say you are working on a Claymore Challenge, but you don’t finish it up before you hit max level and Prestige. You can Prestige, finish up the Challenge, then refund your points for that level and start working on a different challenge with different equipment if you want. And – most importantly for hardware players — when you hit the highest level of Prestige (level 10 in Black Ops II), you will be awarded the title of Prestige Master and all content is unlocked. Access to all the toys – you can has it.


Rest can be read at




What anti-cheat will be used?

Anti-cheat is a top priority for Call of Duty®: Black Ops II. We have developed our own proprietary server-side anti-cheat technology which will work alongside VAC to deliver the most advanced detection and banning capabilities of any Call of Duty game to date. We have also improved our player reporting system to make it the most effective way that you can help us catch cheaters. And starting on launch day we will have a full-time dedicated pc anti-cheat team focused solely on detecting and banning cheaters. We have a zero tolerance policy on cheating. Cheaters bans are permanent.


Will Black Ops have Matchmaking or Dedicated Servers?

Both! Call of Duty®: Black Ops II PC combines matchmaking with secure ranked dedicated servers. This means that you get into Public Matches or League Play via matchmaking lobbies. It is easy to party up and play with your friends. You can adjust your classes or scorestreaks between matches. It also means that every Public or League match is hosted on a dedicated server running in one of our high bandwidth datacenters around the globe.


Will you release the server files?

No. We are keeping the server files secure to protect the game from hacking and cheating and ensure the ranking and progression system integrity.


Can I rent a server?

No. We are providing a huge number of servers around the world at no extra charge – plenty for everyone to enjoy. And we will administer the servers.


Will there be mod tools?

No. As we continually improve and advance our in-house tools for our own content teams we are unable to provide consumer tools due to increased technical requirements, licensing restrictions, and technology dependencies.




Can I rent a server?

No. We are providing a huge number of servers around the world at no extra charge – plenty for everyone to enjoy. And we will administer the servers.


When one thought it could not get much worse than the ''one provider" system that we had in Black Ops, how about a no provider system for Black Ops 2.


On one hand, I just saved at least $60, so I should be happy, but I am not... Must admit a fair bit of disapointment.


I think it was a good move to have official servers that offer the same experience. I hated trying to find a good server that wasn't 24/7 nuke down or crouch only but removing server rentals entirely is not the answer.


I feel this is the same as BC2 with no public server files at all because of "security reasons" or Ubisofts always on DRM yet they just hurt the people who supported the game and didn't do much towards the goals they were created for.


I think the official servers could have been used for matchmaking and have a community servers option like CSGO.


Guess the next question is who is footing the bill. Even more DLC I assume. Even EA allowed server rentals for consoles which I'm sure was more to help cover the operation costs.


Why can't all developers be like Tripwire Interactive with their servers?



We're doing things a bit different than what other studios/publishers have done. We plan to let clans/gaming communities as well as any legitimate GSPs run ranked servers. For clans/gaming communities, it must be an established and legitimate group of some sort. Individuals or GSPs will provide us with the IP addresses that they will host the ranked servers on, and then on our backend we'll basically "turn on" those IP's having the ability to be ranked. Our goal here is to not be overly restrictive with our ranked servers. If we see some funny business happening with ranking on a server, we'll pull its IP out of the ranked system and contact the GSP or clan/gaming community. Now if we see a rash of funny business across the board at a GSP or clan/gaming community we may well pull all of their IPs out of ranked status until they get the issue sorted. So it will be up to the GSPs to make their server hosting as open or closed as they want with regards to modifying files. We do however want to ensure that modding and community content are not hindered, so bear that in mind. Whatever system a GSP uses must allow community made maps and community made content to be installed on the server. Total conversion mods (i.e. someone turning RO2 into a space shooter or something) however will not be allowed by us for ranked server play.

@pcdev Great. Will there be still a Server Browser to connect to a Server or just Matchmaking?


@_Atrax Matchmaking




@pcdev unraked custom games created in client also on your dedicated servers or p2p?


@KhamulGER Custom games are currently only p2p.


  On 9/29/2012 at 4:53 PM, MaydaX said:


Wait! You mean we got screwed on an Activision COD game? How can this happen? Oh, wait.....that's right......old hat by now.


The sooner PC gamers forget about the very overhyped and extremely overrated COD series, the better. Then Craptivision can move on and fully cater to their beloved console market, and not bother with the bothersome PC market. And good devs will maybe get some love from PC gamers.







PC Online Security, Matchmaking and Server Intel

Posted by BlackOpsNews on Sep 28, 2012 4:07:02 PM


What anti-cheat will be used?

Anti-cheat is a top priority for Call of Duty®: Black Ops II. We have developed our own proprietary server-side anti-cheat technology which will work alongside VAC to deliver the most advanced detection and banning capabilities of any Call of Duty game to date. We have also improved our player reporting system to make it the most effective way that you can help us catch cheaters. And starting on launch day we will have a full-time dedicated pc anti-cheat team focused solely on detecting and banning cheaters. We have a zero tolerance policy on cheating. Cheaters bans are permanent.


Will Black Ops have Matchmaking or Dedicated Servers?

Both! Call of Duty®: Black Ops II PC combines matchmaking with secure ranked dedicated servers. This means that you get into Public Matches or League Play via matchmaking lobbies. It is easy to party up and play with your friends. You can adjust your classes or scorestreaks between matches. It also means that every Public or League match is hosted on a dedicated server running in one of our high bandwidth datacenters around the globe.


Will you release the server files?

No. We are keeping the server files secure to protect the game from hacking and cheating and ensure the ranking and progression system integrity.


Can I rent a server?

No. We are providing a huge number of servers around the world at no extra charge – plenty for everyone to enjoy. And we will administer the servers.


Will there be mod tools?

No. As we continually improve and advance our in-house tools for our own content teams we are unable to provide consumer tools due to increased technical requirements, licensing restrictions, and technology dependencies.





My friend is going to buy me a copy to play zombies with him.


He must be desperate, but who am i to look a gift horse in the mouth.


i don't need a pay to play game that is dependent on servers that may or may not be there next year


I hope he comes with pb, or passed as to MW3, embarrassed and disgusted play


with both cheater ....



- The Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 DLC Season Pass will be available for multiple platforms. Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 DLC Map Packs will come to the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system first, followed by additional platforms at a later date.


- We are currently evaluating options for Call of Duty® Elite to support the PC and Nintendo’s Wii U™ game system, however Call of Duty® Elite for Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 will not support these two platforms when the game launches on November 13th.


- No, fans who purchase the Season Pass will have access to each of the Call of Duty®: Black Ops 2 DLC Map Packs on the same date as those who purchase the DLC Map Packs á la carte for their respective platform.




The internet has discovered a Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Season Pass.


You get four map packs, which include multiplayer and Zombies content, for £34.99, which amounts to a $10 saving on the sold separately price.


The information popped up on the UK Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 website, which probably means someone somewhere in Activision mission control pressed the wrong button early. The page has been removed, but the no-scopers at MP1st took a picture and popped it online.


What does this mean for Call of Duty Elite, the free and premium stat tracking and COD culture service that launched with Modern Warfare 3 last November? MP1st noticed a heading for Elite Free on the website, suggesting there will be a free and premium offering. But what is included in which offering? And how does this Season Pass fit in? Questions, questions. We expect answers from Activision shortly.


Elite 2.0, as it's known internally, is shrouded in mystery. Last year Elite chief Noah Heller told Eurogamer it needs to be in Black Ops 2, and as a result better integrated into the experience. Right now, Elite is an app you access from the PS3 or Xbox 360 dashboard. Integration with the game itself isn't exactly seamless.


"Long term, we're making Elite and the game synonymous," Heller said. "If you want to play solo or single-player, you might never notice Elite, but the moment you dip your toe into multiplayer, you're part of Elite. It's just up to you whether you take full advantage of the features or not."


  • 2 weeks later...

Pre-orders have opened for the season pass on steam.



The Call of Duty ®: Black Ops II Season Pass is the ultimate way to get more of Call of Duty: Black Ops II. It includes 4 Epic DLC Map Packs for 1 Great Price.*

  • Get four Call of Duty: Black Ops II downloadable content Map Packs**, delivering a variety of new content, including Multiplayer and Zombies playable content
  • Content expected to be available in 2013, following the game’s launch on 11/13/12.

*Based on Season Pass suggested retail price of $49.99 and four DLC Map Packs at a suggested retail price of $14.99 each **Season Pass and DLC Map Packs may not be available on all platforms or in all territories. Pricing and release dates may vary by platform. Call of Duty: Black Ops II game required; sold separately. © 2012 Activision Publishing, Inc. ACTIVISION, CALL OF DUTY, CALL OF DUTY BLACK OPS and stylized roman numeral II are trademarks of Activision Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.




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