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Repeatedly kicked for Unkown GUID

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I have a player who keeps getting kicked for this violation in our server but she can join and play in any other server. Is this something in my cfg? Or is it something on her end?


It seems to be a connection problem. He should try to ping sof2 auth master.


Hi Dite, the thing that comes to mind here is the GUID relax option. To let UNKN GUID's connect you must have pb_sv_guidRelax 7. Default I believe is 4?


To let UNKN GUID's connect you must have pb_sv_guidRelax 7. Default I believe is 4?

Dont be silly 1 will let unknowns on, 7 is crazy. Default is 0


0 = Will kick for ALL

1 = Will not kick UNKNown GUIDS

2 = Will not kick for wrong IP addresses

3 = Will not kick for UNKNown GUIDS and wrong IP addresses

4 = Will not kick for DUPlicate GUIDS

5 = Will not kick for UNKNown GUIDS and DUPlicate GUIDS

6 = Will not kick for wrong IP addresses and DUPlicate GUIDS

7 = Will not kick for UNKNown GUIDS, wrong IP addresses, and DUPlicate GUIDS


LOL, I feel silly now. I even tryed to look and find the right info.....to no avail. :D


LOL, I feel silly now. I even tryed to look and find the right info.....to no avail. :D

just for you m8 ..from the manual :P


PB_SV_GUIDRelax [0-7]

Defaults to 0; Controls PunkBuster's kicking behavior related to GUIDS;

A Value of 1 means PB will not kick for UNKN (Unknown) GUIDs;

A Value of 2 means PB will not kick for WRONGIP GUIDs (these are GUIDS which are valid but not from the IP Address the player is connecting from);

A Value of 4 means PB will not kick for DUPLICATE GUIDs;

These values (1, 2 and 4) can be combined to achieve the desired behavior


LMAO, thanx guys i've been looking all over for a list of those value's... also the pb for admin html file mentions combining the numbers. out of curiousity what format is that in? 14, 1 4, or does a "," seperate them? or do u add them 1+4=5 (cuz 2+3=5 too ;) ) i guess i could experiment, but you just took all that time reading this lol.





LMAO, thanx guys i've been looking all over for a list of those value's... also the pb for admin html file mentions combining the numbers. out of curiousity what format is that in? 14, 1 4, or does a "," seperate them? or do u add them 1+4=5 (cuz 2+3=5 too ;) ) i guess i could experiment, but you just took all that time reading this lol.


i dont see a value of 3 anywhere in my post :D

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