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I am Angry Ninja and I am one of three server admins at -=Sniperfire=-.


Sniperfire is a snipers only COD2 server. We have a great time over there with our little piece of the big COD2 pie.


Anyway, I have a few questions and comments.


I've set up the server to stream to pbbans. Seems to be working, it's in the MSI.


I've loaded all the MDL and most of the MCL (some of the cvars were kicking everyone...apparently our mod causes problems with a few of the cvar checks...when I first loaded all of them it kicked me... :angry: ...so I pulled them all and slowly started adding them until it started kicking...I managed to kick all 15 people off the server... :lol: ...


So anyway, got that all straightened out and we are plugging along nicely...now...I notice there are only 9 bans for COD2...come on, you've got to be kidding me!





1. I tried to post about a guy we kicked today...A PROSPECTIVE RECRUIT TO THE CLAN, no less...who was wallhacking. I wanted to show the video that we captured but was unable to do so because apparently I don't have permission to post with the dm_1 extension...


2. I can't find a way to register for the iRC...call me dumb, call me stupid, just don't call me late to dinner. I can't find a way to register for it.


3. Why did I have to give a login and password for the streaming? Is there something somewhere I can check where I would have to divulge this info?


4. I can't make the mini web browser function of punkbuster work. Any ideas?


5. There are two separate logs created by PB...SV_Viol and SV_Cheat. Viol gets you kicked and Cheat does nothing. Makes very little sense to me. We've got some CPT. Monkey dude filling up the Cheat log with items like this.


"[04.24.2006 22:12:50] VIOLATION (PB INTEGRITY) #10006: Cpt. Monkey (slot #7) Technical Violation: Failed PunkBuster Integrity Check [b1329502ac63b36cc602d1f42a3b29c(VALID)]"


What the hell?


Well, that's all I have for now, guys. I appreciate any help you can give me on these issues. Of course, I know you are not responsible for the failings of punkbuster, I'm just wondering if you can help me get around them. :)


Y'all stay safe.


-=SF=- Angry Ninja


Hey Welcome Angry Ninja :)



So anyway, got that all straightened out and we are plugging along nicely...now...I notice there are only 9 bans for COD2...come on, you've got to be kidding me!

we work slow :lol: ...and only exept bans from streaming servers like yours so give it some time and iam sure there will be more



1. I tried to post about a guy we kicked today...A PROSPECTIVE RECRUIT TO THE CLAN, no less...who was wallhacking. I wanted to show the video that we captured but was unable to do so because apparently I don't have permission to post with the dm_1 extension...

Some one ellse will have to answer that question



2. I can't find a way to register for the iRC...call me dumb, call me stupid, just don't call me late to dinner. I can't find a way to register for it.

Download mirc i use that and havnt had any problems so far www.mirc.com



3. Why did I have to give a login and password for the streaming? Is there something somewhere I can check where I would have to divulge this info?

its for security reasons ;)



5. There are two separate logs created by PB...SV_Viol and SV_Cheat. Viol gets you kicked and Cheat does nothing. Makes very little sense to me. We've got some CPT. Monkey dude filling up the Cheat log with items like this.

in the sv_viol log you will see all the kicks for the checks that pbbans provide and allso some kicks that can be because of duplicated key ,connection issues etc etc


and in the sv_cheat log will you see the genuine cheat kicks like multihack wallhack and allso some kicks that can be caused if the player need to update punkbuster etc etc


when cod2 sorts out all the bugs that are currently afflicting it ..like 31 character guids that change every time you join a server i'm sure you will see the ban count start to rise :)


welcome btw :)


Thanks guys, for the helpful advice and the welcome :)


Please review the attached zip file of MachineAI wallhacking...let me know what you think.


Thank you and best regards,


Angry Ninja

MachineAI.zipFetching info...

  -=SF=-Angry Ninja said:

Please review the attached zip file of MachineAI wallhacking...let me know what you think.

After viewing the first 30 seconds you could tell he was wallhacking. But I did watch the first 10 minutes and he was definately w/h'ing...IMO!!!!

  TRUFR34K said:

After viewing the first 30 seconds you could tell he was wallhacking. But I did watch the first 10 minutes and he was definately w/h'ing...IMO!!!!


Yeah...he wasn't very good at hiding it...

  -=SF=-Angry Ninja said:

Yeah...he wasn't very good at hiding it...

They never are and that's why we end up owning them :D

  (I.C.E) AcE said:

They never are and that's why we end up owning them :D


He's been on our forum trying to deny it...the evidence is fairly straightforward.

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