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Server IP :

Server port : 27018

Game : CoD2

Clan Tag : #?!WLD'>

Co-Admin : Foster


I did what the howto said, that is uploading the files, modifying the pb config and restarting it, but cod2 does not have an usual console where you can see the results of the commands you send so I'm not sure that everything worked.



CS server on this IP now

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I was surprised to find that the pbucon.use file had not been uploaded the first time.


So I did it, and restarted with the pb_sv_restart command.


But with CoD2 I can't check with the pb_sv_uconlist rcon command (I can't see the result)... and my server is still listed as "not streaming" on the MSI


I went through my PB logs and noticed that they were filled with

"[...]PB UCON Packet ignored "pbbans"@ []"

If this can help...

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PBBans Hub Server Search

Server Status: Server is not streaming via Hub

Server Info

Clan Tag: #?!WLD\'>

Server IP:

Last Streaming: Unknown


somewhere along the line you have got things wrong - do you have FTP access?


if so, you upload 2 files (pbucon.use and pbbans_hub.cfg) and add one command to your pbsv.cfg (pb_sv_load pbbans_hub.cfg) - restart PB by executing via rcon pb_sv_restart.


a remote admin tool such as hlsw will help you out no end :) i have sent a tutorial on its setup and use via forum pm :)


download the latest version of hlsw from here click me

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I started over the installation but this time did it the RCON way.

And it seems to be working by now :

14:43:04 pb_sv_uconlist
14:43:04 ^3PunkBuster Server: [Slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]
		 ^3PunkBuster Server: 1 1 pbbans
		 ^3PunkBuster Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)
Thx a lot for your help & advising me HLSW, this software really rules.


Also if you could add this second server :

Server IP :

Server port : 28960

Game : CoD2

Clan Tag : #?!WLD'>

Co-Admin : Foster

Edited by DaLynX
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#?!WLD\'> (COD2)

Last Updated: August 9, 2006 12:58 pm

#?!WLD\'> (COD2)

Last Updated: Unknown


both servers are streaming

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easy aint it :)


any feedback for improvement on our streaming guides ia always welcome - especially if you have had a problem getting a server to stream - although you seem to have got the hang of it now lol

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I had some problems at first, using the FTP way, but because I had no correct RCON tool and apparently I just didn't take the time to think enough.


But thx to you I (re)discovered HLSW, which is really fine, and did it the RCON way because I found it more attractive as I'm actually lazy (and didn't want to launch my FTP client and download files and stuff) and it offered a way to get a little bit more introduced to PB server commands.


Anyhow thx a lot for your help, I found everything I needed in fozzer's tutorials and he's been really nice trying to help me out.


Thx to all the PBBans staff ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I'm sorry to tell you guys that my team has exploded.

(Due in part to Foster's behaviour. I still take this as a treason from him...)


So these two servers won't be streaming any longer (one has gone with Foster as it was his personnal serv, and the other will soon expire).


But one of my old pals has rented a cod2 server for himself and proposed me to 'secure' it.

So there's a new hub streaming request :


Server IP :

Server port : 27045

Game : CoD2

Clan Tag : (not a clan server)

Co-Admin : SpYwArE


(Should be streaming in a few minutes, just let me the time to configure it properly)

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have deleted the previous 2 servers and added your new one:


PBBans Hub Server Search

Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub

Server Info

Clan Tag: DaLynX

Server IP:

Last Streaming: September 21, 2006 4:42 pm

Log Forwarding: None


i've used your name on it m8 - hope you dont mind :)

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@fozzer :


No proble for using my name :)

Thx for the streaming set up !


@mRx :


I'll be needing your help to configure my serv with the MBI, MCI & MDI.

See you on msn about that.


Thanks again to all the PBBans staff ;) Great job your doing here !

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