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We have been renting form them for a few years now, and due to our dwindling finances we looked at reducing the size of the server.  whilst browsing their price structure we discovered the following..{below text is a message to me from our head of finances}


NFO Servers have dramatically reduced the price of their hosting for Virtual Servers.


Same config as before (well, 16TB bandwidth allowance instead of 12 TB) has dropped to $39.99 from $69.99.


Effective immediately (I've made the change to the config).  Billing tomorrow will be at the new lower price.


I added this text to the end of the support ticket asking about it:


Thank you. I've processed the upgrade and the clan looks forward to lower costs to keep the server running.

However ....

I can't help but wonder how long that cheaper deal's been going on.

We've been effectively paying double of what we should have been paying for I don't know how long.

Is there any chance of some sort of credit on our account for this ?

You upgraded your offering for this configuration (12000 GB to 16000 GB), lowered the price (from $70 to $40 a month) and we have been paying 70 a month for a lesser product.

I don't see anything in our account to say we were notified even (but we have several administrators defined on the account so I can't be 100% certain on that.

I'm not meaning to sound like an ass here, but hopefully you can see why I'm feeling like we've been somehow taken advantage of here.


They replied:


I understand, however we don't offer retroactive credits for price changes. All price changes are announced on our site news section, as well as our social media pages.

When a client rents from us, we grandfather in their price, ensuring it doesn't sway from the price they agreed upon. If prices were to ever rise, you wouldn't pay more. Conversely, when prices fall, the price doesn't automatically drop. We allow customers to lock into lower prices though, a practice not common to all providers.


It appears that this announcement was posted to their News page mid July, 2015, so we've been paying $30 a month more for the last 6 months.


Something to be aware of going forward I suppose.  I still think it would have been professional and a courtesy to email all account holders and tell them about it, rather than stealth it onto their News and Facebook pages.  I mean really - who looks at the NFO news page *after* you've rented a server with them...


So if your clan rents from NFO,check your pricing structure you could well be throwing good money away


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Thanks for sharing, it might help others out there in your situation to avoid higher than they should be paying costs.


Though they also have to read over here at PBBans.


I personally think its bad practice by a business. Every customer should be valued equally I don't think its in their best interest to annoy customers to the point they don't come back after all its the customer that pays the business and those involved and they need them.


The message they are sending by doing this is we value you as a new customer but after a while we don't care anymore. What they should do is think about reducing their prices to be able to factor in an affordable cost reduction of their existing services as well as being able to make a profit on lower prices for new customers too.


If the prices werent public and made on an individual basis then I can understand but to make it public for all to see? Can they not see it could be harmful to them due to upsetting existing customers.


I would certainly avoid them now for what I consider bad practice.

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