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Posted (edited)




Edited by marius

Can you tell me what i did wrong.......i only know couldnt find a pbsv.cfg....only a punkbuster.cfg and put the load line in there.


did follow rcon, untill the point off pbsv.cfg.....can`t find the bloody thing like i told you and where must it be if i make it myself and what should be in there,only that load command?


Did that and created pbsv.cfg ( must do something wrong, because following the instructions is not doing it.! ) did upload the commandline.....checked it with rcon pb_sv_uconlist and it came back with some info that did look correct to me.

What more is there to do for me..............?


Try to pm my password and login name? Tell me how and you get it. Tried to pm it , doesn`t work.


if your going to stream via the PBBans Hub then a username and password is not required


following the troubleshooting guide has resolved every hub problem up till now - i dont know how i can make the streaming setup instructions any simpler than what they are, any suggestions welcome.


are you using the right pb folder on your server ?


pb_sv_homepath - this will tell you the exact location of your PB folder


is your server running the latest version of pb ?


pb_sv_ver - this will tell you what version your server is running, paste the server response in a post or pm


do you have a blank file (pbucon.use) in your root pb folder ?


you say you have followed the rcon instructions on hub streaming, can you paste the server response in a post or pm.


the private message facility (pm) on the forum works fine btw

Posted (edited)

Sorry Fozzer, but like i said on the server.......i am a total noob. Just try to keep the server running with the knowledge i have and untill now it is going well, but if it comes to security i want the members and the guests on our server to be safe and having fun. I thought doing this was a good way, but i dont seem to get it.

I am an old fart so be patient with me please.

Edited by marius

thanks for the trust m8 :)


PBBans Hub Server Search

Server Status: Server is streaming via Hub

Server Info

Clan Tag: *SD*

Server IP:

Last Streaming: September 3, 2006 6:35 am


welcome aboard :)


forum upgrade applied


Thanks for all the work mate. Didn`t we had a bet running , and didn `t you put in 500 pounds? Was it about age and did you loose it.? Do you need my bank account number to send that money you own me.?


I am older you know...... :lol: :P


One thing i need to say fozzer and foxdie.................i did follow the rcon instructions for hubstreaming..........it did not create a pbsv.cfg.!


I did do that with a command pb_sv_writecfg..it did create it in my wolfenstein etmain folder. I did load it up to the server in the pb folder and did make the uploads like the instructions told me to do.


Fozzer at the end did get it going and added a few...................but maybe you can follow what i did and see what i did do wrong, or what is missing in the instructions in my situation and adjust that for people that are in a simular situation...................or am i talking rubish now............? :o :blink:


yes :P


you have a base pbsv.cfg on your server now - it checks for the latest hack related cvars and md5 scans and autoss is now enabled - you can add your own bad names and maybe look at a few standard pb cvar restrictions to create a level playing field for all who connect ;



;Badname List - pb_sv_badname [grace_period_secs] [disallowed text]
pb_sv_badname 60 f*ck
pb_sv_badname 60 c*nt
pb_sv_badname 60 WANK
pb_sv_badname 60 SHIT
pb_sv_badname 60 NIGGER
pb_sv_badname 60 NIGGA
pb_sv_badname 60 NIGG@
pb_sv_badname 60 JEW
pb_sv_badname 60 NAZI
pb_sv_badname 60 BASTARD

;Cvar Range List - pb_sv_cvar [cvar_name] [type] [value(s)]
pb_sv_cvar "cg_bobup" IN 0 0.005
pb_sv_cvar "cg_fov" IN 90 120
pb_sv_cvar "cg_shadows" IN 0 1
pb_sv_cvar "cg_thirdperson" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "cl_freelook" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "cl_maxpackets" IN 15 100
pb_sv_cvar "cl_timenudge" IN -20 0
pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.00001 40
pb_sv_cvar "m_pitch" OUT -0.015 0.015
pb_sv_cvar "m_yaw" IN -0.022 0.022
pb_sv_cvar "r_allowextensions" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_drawentities" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_drawfoliage" IN 0 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_flares" IN 0 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_gamma" IN 1 3
pb_sv_cvar "r_intensity" IN 1 1.5
pb_sv_cvar "r_lightmap" IN 0 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_mapoverbrightbits" IN 0 3
pb_sv_cvar "r_overbrightbits" IN 0 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_picmip" IN 0 3
pb_sv_cvar "r_rmse" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "r_showmodelbounds" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "r_showtris" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "rate" IN 10000 25000
pb_sv_cvar "snaps" IN 20 40
pb_sv_cvar "cg_errordecay" IN 100 100
pb_sv_cvar "cg_shadows" IN 0 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_primitives" IN 0 2
pb_sv_cvar "r_nv_fogdist_mode" INCLUDE "NV"
pb_sv_cvar "r_drawworld" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_drawfoliage" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_znear" IN 3 3
pb_sv_cvar "r_drawentities" IN 1 1
pb_sv_cvar "r_showmodelbounds" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "r_lightmap" IN 0 0
pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 125
pb_sv_extChar 0

p.s. i dont remember any money being discussed in our bet :P maybe a memory loss thing going on there - not strange for old farts lolol


Fozzer you old bloody sod.....................i added your cvars and bad names( are this the names people mostly call you in here.?) :o :P :P .......thanks for that.

:lol: :D


Fozzer you old bloody sod.....................i added your cvars and bad names( are this the names people mostly call you in here.?) :o :P :P .......thanks for that.

:lol: :D

:) the most controversial of those cvars is this one;

pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 125


that forces all who connect to have their maxfps between 43 and 125 fps - now, i personally have a gfx card that consistently delivers 400+ fps on ET and it gives me a huge advantage on players who are nowhere near that high end range - by forcing all to play within 43 - 125 fps it makes the server a lot fairer and even for most who connect - with servers i have control of creating a level playing field for the majority is one of my main aims - as always its the server admins choice on what restrictions they should make.


An explanation of most ET related cvars can be found here;



have fun B)

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