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you have been BANNED from this server by Server Admin

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I reinstalled cod2 and now i can join punkbuster enabled servers without any problems :D


I don't know what was the problem, but tnx for al your reactions :)





OMFG !!!


I was 5 min in the server and i was banned again :S

for the reason: dupicate guid/cd key .....


The only-one that has my cd key is my brother that has the same ip :o


Join my server:


I will try to see what is going on.


So....you can join my server...and not get kicked....interesting.


Is it only a few servers you can't join?


I don't know .... i downloaded the newest pb drivers and i could play in our server,

but after the mapchange i was kicked again by pb for dupicate guid/cd key :S


You are having the same problem as one of my team members.


It isn't you as much as it is your internet connection to your server.


Why not get your clan/group to setup streaming their server to PBBans so we could help diagnose your issues :)


It is as simple as having your server admin register.....and we will help walk him through it. It is a painless 10 minute process :)


He registers here (like you did).....and sends me a PM.


Use of PBBans.com is completely 100% free.


I have a server myself, but it is offline atm.

tomorrow or tonight it will be online. I'll register my own server with pbban.

then we see what will happen.


Do you need a official server btw or can it be a cracked one ?

Posted (edited)

??? an official server or can it also be used on a cracked server ?

Edited by DesKia

??? an official server or can it also be used on a cracked server ?


The GUID you posted is most likely a LAN guid. /pb_myguid is not very reliable. You have to wait a few seconds before you enter it and sometimes it will still return a LAN guid.


/pb_plist is a better option although this will only give us your last 8 digits.


I think you're on the Master Ban List for the hack :)


How can i get on the banlist when i was in a server without pb running ?


But I think it is because me and my brother (on 2 different pc's) play on the same Key-code.

I was banned from the server for Duplicate cd-key ( I reinstalled cod2 on both pc's and that's the way I found out )

Is duplicate cd-key a reason for pb to ban the guid ?? if it is so, that would solve the problem :)


We didn't ban you. You should ask guys over there why. Thread Closed.

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