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this is a small request for 2 servers.


1) FEAR MP v1.08

IP + port:


2) Battlefield v1.41

IP + port:


About the Fear server I'm quite sure it should be streaming now.

About the BF2 server, I'm doubting that the rcon accepted the commands since I didnt noticed an output in 2cc rcon window.


Both servers are set for Hub streaming.


yet, like I said, In all theory they should be streaming...





team account created (check forum pm)

2 servers added to team account

2 servers are not streaming via the Hub



Team: BigBadTeam (AC#570) --- Account Not Streaming (0 / 2)


User ID: 104510 ---- ForumName: EuT.be




For particularly stubborn servers that refuse to stream a working quick fix can be tried.


via Rcon/bf2cc


/rcon pb_sv_update

... wait 20 seconds

/rcon pb_sv_restart

... wait 20 seconds

/rcon pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use

/rcon pb_sv_restart

... wait 20 seconds

/rcon pb_sv_task 0 3600 pb_sv_ver

/rcon pb_sv_USessionLimit 2

/rcon pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1

/rcon pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbans pbbans

/rcon pb_sv_writecfg


just tried adding your fearserver however it wont respond correctly..


Please try manually updating punkbuster on your server and re-entering the 7 needed Rcon commands to get the server streaming to hub :)


OK Forget my post, do what the guy above this reply said! :P btw i recognize your clan from the dutch Tweakers forums :)


K, I notice now WHY the FEAR doesnt want to stream.

Just updated Firedeamon to start PB along when executing

cause appearantly a value gets modified when launching the server!


I also notice that the firewall was blocking the UDP signals.

Those are release (windows firewall). Else, I need to contact the server owner to allow these on the router/switch

Since the next errors show on console:


^3PunkBuster Server: UDP Console Packet ignored

In the meanwhile, i'll check if I can get the bf2 clanpoint server to stream...


Ah well,

noticed 2 things.

Thx for mention about the uconlist thingy, totally forgot about that

Added the ucon add, and rewrote the cfg + restarted

Once restarted, I noticed a pbns.dat beeing created. (positif return)



I noticed in the pbsv that cbar pb_sv_uconempty stated BELOW the ucon add var

This is beeing corrected and now it's vise versa!


As the console is returning a positive statement


Now, I'm giving the bf2 server a try.

Gave it a restart first (will keep you posted ;))


your fear server is streaming now, the BF2 server not :)



... wait 30 seconds

pb_sv_writecfg pbucon.use


... wait 20 seconds

pb_sv_task 50 3600 pb_sv_ver

pb_sv_USessionLimit 2

pb_sv_AutoUpdBan 1

pb_sv_uconadd 1 pbbans pbbans



if it's a ranked server u might want to enable Enforce bans in your team account


Owkay, sorry for the latency, but working during nights and a irri wife took some time.


I've noticed once again that the bf2 server still isnt streaming

So, I restarted the entire server..

And tried to enforce every command just to get the basic streaming on (I'll set everything to the point later on)

Yet, since it's a server from clanpoint, they only support the modmanager scripts

but all by all, pb should be avaiable via rcon or else it would of been stupid by the 2cc developper


In other words, if it aint streaming in the next 24hours,

then most likely the Ucon ports shall be blocked by the server.


I'm also prepping my FTP server to accept incomming ss's/logs from the bf2server


In other words, if it aint streaming in the next 24hours,

then most likely the Ucon ports shall be blocked by the server.

If it were so, you couldn't play there either. Its using same port as pb and the game.

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