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Team Account Request

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Team Account created http://www.pbbans.com/account/index.php



Team: GamingPosse (AC#572) --- Account Streaming (1 / 1)


User ID: 107880 ---- ForumName: Nephris added to TA & streaming http://www.pbbans.com/msi.php?action=1&amp...4.162.209:16567


TA Forums


streaming | banlist | cvars, md5's & HowTo; MPI4 MPI3

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An error occured.....our server is shown as "Enemy Territory" - server, so my submissions of PBSS are also shown as Enemy Territoy.Our server is Battlefield 2 running !!!


I already send 3 PBSS in....atm under the topic of Enemy territory.Can u plz chnage this?Do i need to send this PBSS again in after our server is marked as Batztlefield2 server?

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oops :s fixed Metzelfield2 now :wub:


for the pb_ss, doesnt matter, as we have no streamed logs to verify them anyway, as they were taken B4 streaming was initiated.

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Metzelfield ist auch schön ....


Thx...the last screen i sent, was awhile the server was already streaming, and it is added to my manager at "PBBans Screenshot Manager"

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can't find neither the MD5-sums nor the guids in the current logs; so if logs will yet arrive (what i doubt a bit, but we'll wait till tomorrow) we will delete and pm you to submit again ... for Bizzlefield2 ofc ;p

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Thx m8


can't find neither the MD5-sums nor the guids in the current logs

The PBSS still got the entry of enemy Territory, can that be the prob?

I send u (Benway) a pm.In my PBSS Manager GUID and MD5 is shown.

Edited by Nephris
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