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I'm trying to stream again but this hub method is confusing me..the old way was all manual and took forever to setup but it seems I had more control...

few questions:

1: SS's are they still going to be dl'd to my ftp even if I use the HUB setup?

2 guidrelax , Can it be set to my choice using HUB or is there a set # already in place,, I need that mostly because this clan has about 50 members , many being husband\wife and many have there kids playing..alot use same guids ect...not banned guid's just dup'd ..can i set guid relax to still allow them to play ?

3:logs : are server logs {any\all} still going to be sent to my ftp or are they being sent here using hub..again like the ss's,,I like knowing whats going on so thats why I'm asking that also..

last: HLSW : can I still control my server cmds as I used to using hlsw even while HUB is running...


Again,,this HUB thing confuses me,,I dont want to set it all up just to make a dumb move and crash it all :] Thank You


I'm trying to stream again but this hub method is confusing me..the old way was all manual and took forever to setup but it seems I had more control

Hub streaming can be set up with just 7 rcon commands in a minute or so, and will not take forever to set up.

All streaming is now done via team accounts.

I dont get what you mean by "control".


1: SS's are they still going to be dl'd to my ftp even if I use the HUB setup?

pbss are handled exactly the same as last time you streamed here using the old rep method.

The only changes we have made re pbss is in the way they are submitted.


2 guidrelax , Can it be set to my choice using HUB or is there a set # already in place,, I need that mostly because this clan has about 50 members , many being husband\wife and many have there kids playing..alot use same guids ect...not banned guid's just dup'd ..can i set guid relax to still allow them to play ?

Entirely the server admins choice as to what guidrelax setting is used.

Its a nice thought that only husband/wife and kids play together .. but having a guidrelax setting of anything other than 0 also leaves the door open for the bad guys too .. its worth remembering that :)


3:logs : are server logs {any\all} still going to be sent to my ftp or are they being sent here using hub..again like the ss's,,I like knowing whats going on so thats why I'm asking that also..

Logs are handled exactly the same as last time you streamed here using the old rep method.


HLSW : can I still control my server cmds as I used to using hlsw even while HUB is running...

Of course you can still use hlsw.


Personal message for Tim:

I dont know if someone has been feeding you false information bro, but reading your post seems to point in that direction.

The Hub compared to the old rep method is like comparing a carthorse to a limousine .. they both get you there in the end but theres a lot less effort involved with Hub streaming.

Please take the time to read these:



You will see a lot of changes since you last streamed to PBBans, and just to highlight how successful Hub streaming has been lets make a comparison .. when you were streaming to us before. PBBans had 100 - 120 servers streaming, now we have well over 1000 and rising .. the PBBans Hub is the recommended method of initiating streaming soley based on the amount of server admins that have elected to use the limousine rather than carthorse.

All I can say is give it a try and then post back in this thread if you have any concerns.


p.s. welcome back btw :)

p.p.s. who is your server provider ?


Sounds good Fozz... as for the "control" part , I was reading wrong...I thought all ss's and logs went elsewhere and I didnt get to view any of it , I enjoy viewing them , It breaks up the boredomn when I cant sleep at night :lol:


Waiting for the clan owner to catch me on msn now,,,soon as he arrives I'll be back here to get the ball rolling..I gotta look up what team account means now but yes, from what I have seen going over all the topics posted HUB seems to be a sweet way to go. thanks for the help.


I assume that your family has same ip address. You may try to set pb_sv_guidrelax to 0 and pb_sv_lanmask to your ip.

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