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Evenbalance dropped FEAR Retail/Combat

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Evenbalance no longer supports the games FEAR Retail and FEAR Combat. All support including downloads and PB-Setup have ended for this game.

PBBans wil stop supporting F.E.A.R. Retail/Combat per 21.12.2007




We don't play with cheaters.


I would like some dedicated server files for Perseus now.


Anyone else lol?


PunkBuster Server: No Master Query Sent - DNS has not yet resolved for FEAR1.EVENBALANCE.COM



:( The end of Fear! :(


your DNS is broken i can ping them fine and ingame its also working


flush your DNS cache :)


This is beyond ridiculous. They just dropped the game that people actually play (relatively speaking, anyway), for a game that has no server support. What good is having punkbuster support when you can't even play the game on a real server?


Way to put the nail in the coffin, evenbalance.

  Exhail said:

This is beyond ridiculous. They just dropped the game that people actually play (relatively speaking, anyway), for a game that has no server support. What good is having punkbuster support when you can't even play the game on a real server?


Way to put the nail in the coffin, evenbalance.

Its not EvenBalance's fault. Bitch to Sierra/VU - they hold the cards as to whether it gets PB support or not. EB simply does what it is paid to do. I should point out Sierra/VU has a less-then-stellar track-record on game support.


I should have guessed as much. Sierra/VU aren't the brightest businessmen. It's almost as though they're deliberately trying to have this franchise fail.


as soon as PB stops working on fear (it still works now just no masterservers anymore) ill shutdown the lot and look into another game (without PB) to host on the boxes. This has nothing to do with evenbalance btw. Sierra/VU just had a contract for a period of time wich ran out.


Now that sierra/vu refuses to come up with proper dedicated serversoftware they litterrally killed their own game :)


in my opinion, as long as PB keeps working all streaming should be kept possible. However withouth eledgible support on PB Client problems like disallowed program/driver kicks and bogus PB Client files this game will slowly but certainly die.


Now that sierra/vu refuses to come up with proper dedicated serversoftware they litterrally killed their own game smile.gif

I agree and I think the is expansion is even a step forward, but no servers = dead.


So I wonder how the other half is doing, you think we are close to fear2?


F.E.A.R will be removed from our system on this Friday( 21.12.2007 ).

Posted (edited)

omg pls tell me it isnt true ....pls no plsssssssssssss stop it !!

i love F.E.A.R. to much :(

i had every thing running smooth til i had to format my comp and reinstalled every thing again

now i cant update the server with PB and even the game !! i cant update any more ...


most of the servers out there including my friends servers have PB on it enabled

i cant enter those anymore....is there any way to resolve this ??


ok i wil run my server without PB... but what about the other servers? is there some thing or files i can place in a folder so i can let the game think its up todate pls i cant play any servers anymore!!!

Edited by demonjay
Posted (edited)

5chaap2k, buddy.... pal.....


You think I could swipe a copy of that discontinued logo?

I'd like to put it on my web.



A how's about passing it around to the guys? Might look good in this forum I visit every now and then? :angry:

Edited by FuZZie

Ok, so what is to stop this from happening to any

other game out there? Say like Call Of Duty 4 which

we have 4 Servers running with Punkbuster?

I'm sorry, but as an Admin, it just pisses me off to

no end. Sure i can understand that it is a business on

both ends. But is this what it has come down to?




I guess thats what it is all about anyways.

As if In-Game Advertising Spamming isn't enough already.

Now it just goes to show that all they want is our money, and

not about Producing a Real Good Game anymore, Just something

that they can get out before Christmas and Sell.. Sell.. Sell..

UT3 comes to mind there also ( see It isn't all about PB or whatever )

getting it out before Christmas, Not caring that People like us

( The Server Admins that help to make their product popular )

that see's that they totally left out the Web-Based Admin..

Which has been a real selling point for me personally, gee imagine

that, a game that actually makes it easy to Admin ! But... Not this time folks..


Whew... Ok.. breath in.. Slowly .. Breath out.. ( talking to myself now.. lol )


Well thats the end of my rant.. thanks for listening. heh


Thats not all either they are still selling fear for the same price as fearPM!


So I went to futureshop.ca where I bought both and offered up my 2 cent's worth.

I would suggest others to do the same. <_<


so is their any other anti-cheater hub out there? Is that Punkbusted the same as PBBANS?


Personallu, I think that tthey just want their money.....Fear combat was free and overwhelmingly played.....they quickly spit out P. Madate, which sucks and want people to buy it.......


punksbusted does the same as pbbans, only with a different approach.

However i don't think they will keep fear support either, because evenbalance no longer has a running contract for the game like us, also their hands are tied

  • 5 months later...

Well, think of this. FEAR didn't get popular as a Multiplayer game till it was given out for free. I myself love the game and own a few copies of all the releases, but as far as the marketplace, it just didn't take off. I mean, even when it became a free Multiplayer game, it still only had around 700 servers online. Hate to say it, but our love for the game just didn't pass on to the gaming community as a whole. Hell, with 20,000 servers for CSS and COD4, and even 2000 servers for DODS, Fear fell far short. Even SOF2 still has around 500 servers after all these years.


I too am sad that FEAR didn't go big, as I personally think it is in the top 6 games that has come out over the past 7 years. Perseus Mandate rocks, hopefully a miracle will take place and they will put out a Linux DED file for it.


Not holding my breath,


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