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clan tag already registered


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My clan use to have someone who was a member and who admined our game servers. Last week he had an argument with another member and, in the middle of the night, he deleted all of our game servers and quit our clan. I am now trying to set up a server to stream to pbbans but I can't submit an application because this person still has our tags registered. What can be done about this? I just contacted this person to request their help in this matter and the response I received leads me to conclude he has no intention of providing any.

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Which tags are you referring to, and which clan? That info would help us help you.

Sure the tags are OnA and the clan is pestgaming.com

Edited by phats_O
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Clan tags are used on a first come first served basis :)


Having said that, the clantags are more for keeping track on the admin side of things, so a slight change of tag would be between the server admin and PBBans and not for public consumption.


a team account already exists for pestgaming.com (although none of the added servers are streaming) and it would be adviseable for you to get the team account holder to add you as an admin for that account.

A duplicate account application will just end up being deleted.



Team: Opie and Anthony Pests ([OnA])
Account ID: 2996
Streaming Status: Not Streaming (0 / 4)

Server List
COD4 -
COD4 -
BF2142 -
BF2 -

User List
t1mk1ll (118687)


If you can provide proof of ownership I will transfer the account to you and set you as account master.

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Sure the tags are OnA and the clan is pestgaming.com



be adviseable for you to get the team account holder to add you as an admin for that account.

A duplicate account application will just end up being deleted.



This person is no longer in our clan. He destroyed our servers in the middle of the night then quit. I can provide you with links that document the drama. The person will be in violation of your tos in a 2 days if he doesn't report to you that he is no longer affiliated with our clan. You could contact wolf servers where our servers were hosted, they can confirm everything I'm telling you. Or, let me know what other kind of proof I can provide you.

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I have transferred the account over to you m8 and you are now the team account master.

All that is required now is for you to get the server(s) streaming again.


You should have a forum pm giving you full details of the team account and this includes the link for the not streaming fix. :)

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I have transferred the account over to you m8 and you are now the team account master.

All that is required now is for you to get the server(s) streaming again.


You should have a forum pm giving you full details of the team account and this includes the link for the not streaming fix. :)


Thank you very much.

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Team: Opie and Anthony Pests ([OnA])

Account ID: 2996

Streaming Status: Streaming (1 / 1)




Server List


COD4 - (Streaming)



User List


phats_O (124394)


Helpful Links:

Account Management

CVAR / MD5 Scans (Setup and Use)

PBBans Hub Flags

Master Player Index

Not Streaming Fix



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