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How do I delete my account

.:FoF:. NoG@S

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Since both my servers got banned from streaming for being LAN servers :unsure: after over 3 years of streaming :blink: there really is no need for me to have an account on the pbbans website. I have been looking for a way to delete my account but without succes. If i need to go through this forum then please consider this a request for removal of my account. If not please tell me what stepts to take in order to take my account down. And i am talking about the whole team account and everything related to it.


Regards .:FoF:. NoG@$[NL]

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You quit irc before I got a chance to explain things.


First of all I would point you to this;

PBBans Terms of Service Agreement (As of February 3, 2007)


1. Terms & Definitions


1.1 Game Server - A game server shall be defined as a network server running a program that acts as a hub for clients to connect to for the purpose of interaction. For the purposes of clarification, PBBans will only allow streaming from dedicated servers and not from LAN or personal computers.


This particular clause of the T.O.S. has been in there from day 1.


Recently we have made an addition on the admin side of things that now tells us, when accounts are being created, if the server is run from a LAN or home IP.

Your server(s) have been "under the radar" so to speak for quite some time, now they are not.

This is not a personal vendetta against you Bro, but a simple enforcement of policies that have been in place from day 1.


I know no-one ever does, but the T.O.S should be read and fully understood before applying for a team account.


The existing team account is suspended and that effectively kills it off, you never know, you might one day get a dedicated server to stream and the door is always open for you to apply for reactivation.

Probably after a considerable "cooling off" period though :)

Sorry for the inconvenience Bro, but your welcome to try streaming elsewhere if you so desire.

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You quit irc before I got a chance to explain things.

Yeah sorry bout that that was a mistake on my part

First of all I would point you to this;



This particular clause of the T.O.S. has been in there from day 1.


Recently we have made an addition on the admin side of things that now tells us, when accounts are being created, if the server is run from a LAN or home IP.

Your server(s) have been "under the radar" so to speak for quite some time, now they are not.

This is not a personal vendetta against you Bro, but a simple enforcement of policies that have been in place from day 1.


I know no-one ever does, but the T.O.S should be read and fully understood before applying for a team account.


I have read the tos. sadly to late but i read them though. My point is that my servers have been streaming all along for about 3 years now i think and now all of a sudden i get banned for being a home server? Even after the last time i had contact with one off your admins no bobody ever told me about this. i do not see it a s a personal vendetta m8, I dont know you in person so that rules that out. Its just that i do feel that you guys mislead me to start with and more important people like me who get sick and tired of so called servers that provide poor service when it comes to their game servers, yes you can pay and service is nothing so thank but no thanks. We used to run our servers on rental servers and stopped because poor service.


The existing team account is suspended and that effectively kills it off, you never know, you might one day get a dedicated server to stream and the door is always open for you to apply for reactivation.

Probably after a considerable "cooling off" period though :)

Sorry for the inconvenience Bro, but your welcome to try streaming elsewhere if you so desire.


Its an inconvenience allright specially for the people who enjoyed our servers for the fact that we kept hackers and cheaters at bay. We will now have to tell them we no longer stream cause we dont rent. All I know is that this is bad news to all those people outthere whom like to run servers but keep them cheater free. I am in no way even considering to rent a server just so I can stream to pbbans though so that why i would like you to delete my team account. I already know I or my clan wont be back., Shame though, pbbans did good work for us, oh wel life goes on :rolleyes:

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You could co-locate your box(s) with a host, and it would be the same as renting from a GSP.


One thing to note, as well. The average house-hold internet service, even if you were to purchase commercial-grade/business oriented internet, is not really sufficient for on-line gaming. You'll find better pings/performance with a known GSP or co-location to a known provider of such services.


That being said, we're sorry to see you go, but we have the ToS in place for a good reason, and in order to make it effective, have to stick to it strictly.


Best wishes to you and your clan.

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