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Full hack with PB running streaming to AON and GV


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Hey All,


Look at this demo, only updated PB today and streaming to AON and GV, you can see AON status is live. Full hack, I never seen this before with PB on!










[CeltS] MadDoG

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We can't do anything with the demo or GUID unless the server it was recorded on was streaming here, If it was your server..


The following is a list of links to help with streaming to PBBans

Web Guide: http://www.pbbans.com/info-center-hubguide.html

PDF Version: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?aut...s&showcat=1

Sample Configs: http://www.pbbans.com/forums/index.php?aut...s&showcat=3

Account Application: http://www.pbbans.com/account_application.php


Not all hacks/cheats are detected by PB.

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Hey All,


Look at this demo, only updated PB today and streaming to AON and GV, you can see AON status is live. Full hack, I never seen this before with PB on!










[CeltS] MadDoG


Apart from what AcE has already stated, because of the unique checks that are only available via the PBBans Hub, you might find it beneficial to add PBBans streaming to your server Bro :)

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Apart from what AcE has already stated, because of the unique checks that are only available via the PBBans Hub, you might find it beneficial to add PBBans streaming to your server Bro :)



Thanks, I had problem using the webtool with Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox, but delighted to say it worked with Internet Explorer 7, so streaming now.


Thanks again,



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Don't forget that once you have the server streaming you will need to make an application here >> Account Application to have the server added to the Hub.


Once your application has been reviewed by staff the server will be added to the Hub and your forum account will be upgraded to Streaming Game Admin and you will then have access to the private areas of the forums.


Welcome to PBBans btw and the home of the revolutionary Hub streaming - I am sure you will find our services very handy indeed ;)



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