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I was wondering...How come whenever the Hub bans someone, it doesn't add it to my pbbans.dat? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


in account manager / server management find the server that your talking about. Accept PB Bans will add the ban to your pbbans.dat file




Open your account manager, click the enforce bans flag.


Quick edit : accept pbbans bans forces higher cpu use-age on your server. Enforce bans is live, and applies to all servers for your game.


Accept pbbans flag is an option, but not recommended, enforce bans works better, for all.


So if i do the enforce bans, when the hub bans a player it will not show up in my pbbans.dat file?




Lets make a simple scenario;


If your servers pbbans.dat contains a shed full of bans the server will use valuable resources checking every connecting player against the ban entries in your pbbans.dat.


If you have the enforce bans flag checked.

The Hub will do all the checking and apply a kick/ban command if the connecting player is on the PBBans MBI.

This saves valuable server resources.

You never have to download a banlist from PBBans.com

Nothing from PBBans.com will be written to your pbbans.dat

Your pbbans.dat can be used to manage any locally applied bans that you may have set.

etc etc :)


Bottom line, of it all. Enforce bans forces all bans made on all streaming servers apply to your server.


Bans detected from your server will also be applied to all those who run the same flag, effectively keeping the cheater off their servers as well.


Not all bans coming in on the ban-list will be applied to your account, just the ones detected on your server, so don't bank on the ban-count for your server directly.


Enforce bans flag reduces your individual server's need to process a lot of information, as it's done by the hub, thus potentially reducing lag on your server(s) and accross multiple games, at that.


Best option, and there's how it works.


Well let me ask this, is doing the automated hub setup the same as if i would download the .cfg file? Cause i did the automated hub on both my servers...

Well let me ask this, is doing the automated hub setup the same as if i would download the .cfg file? Cause i did the automated hub on both my servers...


As long as the end result is a streaming server it does not matter what type of setup method you use :)

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