.:BoS:.Gringo Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 (edited) Late night i got this PM from one of the guys at PsB: Quote Hi, Our policy is not to allow banners/sigs/avatars that promote other AC sites. Consequently, I deleted your sig. Hope you can understand our position on this-- it is nothing personal, just common sense business-wise. btw, glad you got your status as co-admin sorted. If you could help to get those other two servers streaming, that would be great. If you run into difficulty, please do not hesitate to post in the AMBL Forum for some help. Regards, gnat Nothing personal m8, i hope u understand that in the U.S we have the freedom of speech and express (Constitution Rights). After the PBBans issue and all the other issues that i have seen and being part with PsB i just have anger inside of me and this just did it, i had this sig for years i hate cheaters like u do but i dont blame other AC sites neither censoring other people sites or stuff, and u said it, u guys have a business running not a community ("it is nothing personal, just common sense business-wise.")so time to change ure name to PsBP for Profit, shame on PsB and btw our other 2 servers are Not, i repeat are NOT going to be streaming to non live PsB servers and soon the only one would be remove since i had enough with the whole PsB crap and non sense censoring ,excuses and more excuses, im tired of it, hope the community realize and btw i always had the PsB sig in other AC sites and no one has never came up deleting anything neither saying anything, first was the avatar, Orangepeel said: It is too big, its removed. and now u saying that... bla bla bla sig is deleted, bunch of immature kids, u know what, stick my sig and ure PsB non live streaming in ure, cool down brother :mad: ohh myyyy!!! Always have and i always will be streaming to PBBans, i dont get the whining neither the complaints and it does its job, gets cheaters out of the game as it is more efficiency, thx for following the rules. Cya And that was my response, man what a bunch of... those ppl are i just cant understand them anymore, i just want u guys to take a look at this and tell me if thats right? if what they do is right? Would it be nice if PBBans would of started deleting sigs from RA members in here, or PsB like i do have a sig from them(like others here do too) would that be nice? i let it to u all to decide hopefully some of u will realize, my intentions are to show u guys what PsB is all about, Business and a lil bit of Bull!!! *Note: I dont want u guys to start a war or something, just sharing with all here, this did it for me. Edited September 9, 2008 by .:BoS:.Gringo Quote
Ice Man Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 PsB has always had that policy of deleting peoples signatures that link to other ac sites... Personally I see it as their site and their ways of running things. I do run my clan like a "business" the people donating are my "customers" and i try and keep them happy. but legally they are not a business and In my opinion should not act like they are a business. Punkbuster itself is a business but again states that it is not associated with any anti cheat site. I am a dual streamer myself (streaming to both ac sites + aon) and I dont think that their repository system of streaming is the best tool for the job and is one of the biggest reasons why pbbans is doing so well with the hub :) just note that it you do have freedom of speech but in a way its tresspassing on someones property... I would be like swearing in a server you are renting and want clean language. they have the right to remove you. While I dont agree with some of their policys I do believe it is their site... but I also dont agree that it should be kept secret that they were banning for cvars and blaiming us being the only ones who have. NOTE: PBBans does not remove PsB signatures from this site. The only concern we have with any other ac site currently is gv and their attempts at stealing our checks. -Dan Quote
holback Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Funny thing, They have always required a website before they accept an application. Fine by me but several were getting turned down for a long time because of this. Hosting websites is one of the things I do as I added the name of my company to my sig....at no profit to me, it was to help them and their community out! When sell a web hosting plan for $3.99 a month I make 70 cents a year off of it! Well I was told a couple of weeks ago that it was against policy and it was removed for me. I was nice about it, but extremely pissed off. I have 2 hours a day on that site since 2005 helping their cause and I felt I was pissed on, not to mention donating and paying for advertising. I am pulling all my servers from there as I type this. Quote
candyhouse Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 .:BoS:.Gringo said: And that was my response, man what a bunch of... those ppl are i just cant understand them anymore, i just want u guys to take a look at this and tell me if thats right? if what they do is right? Would it be nice if PBBans would of started deleting sigs from RA members in here, or PsB like i do have a sig from them(like others here do too) would that be nice? i let it to u all to decide hopefully some of u will realize, my intentions are to show u guys what PsB is all about, Business and a lil bit of Bull!!! *Note: I dont want u guys to start a war or something, just sharing with all here, this did it for me. It looks like your intentions are to kiss up to pbbans a bit more. It you think that PsB are the only site to pm people about things then you need to wake up to the real world. Pbbans pm's it members all the time asking not to do this or do that. I know for a fact that one of there members started a post in the SGA area only to have it deleted of and a pm sent to him asking not to start a new topic about bustedpunks. all he wanted to know was bustedpunks for real. Over the last few days i have seen a side of pbbans and some of its members which makes them look childish. You have got staff here saying what we would like to work with PsB, why the hell should PsB want to work with anyone which does something like this to them? If someone attacked bustedpunks like pbbans has done to PsB then there would be no way in hell that we would want to work with them. And after see what has happen here i am very happy that bustedpunks is not in a partership with pbbans Quote
Neo722712 Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 I agree with you guys ... We here at =ISA= Dont allow people to Advertise even on our site with out 1st discussing it with the Leaders of our Community... PS: Shamefull NEXT LINE ! International Soldier Alliance - Click here But it's true, We work hard to keep our site the way they need to be kept. and for someone to come right in and take advantage of our hard work is just not right... Well anyway that is my 2 Cent's I hope that Link was OK ... =ISA= Neo722712 . Quote
foxdie Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 candyhouse said: It looks like your intentions are to kiss up to pbbans a bit more. It you think that PsB are the only site to pm people about things then you need to wake up to the real world. Pbbans pm's it members all the time asking not to do this or do that. I know for a fact that one of there members started a post in the SGA area only to have it deleted of and a pm sent to him asking not to start a new topic about bustedpunks. all he wanted to know was bustedpunks for real. Over the last few days i have seen a side of pbbans and some of its members which makes them look childish. You have got staff here saying what we would like to work with PsB, why the hell should PsB want to work with anyone which does something like this to them? If someone attacked bustedpunks like pbbans has done to PsB then there would be no way in hell that we would want to work with them. And after see what has happen here i am very happy that bustedpunks is not in a partership with pbbans Yes I remember it. It was me. My reply was Quote its a legitimate site ( you can ask eb if you want. ). Please do not advertise them here. He got his answer. Quote
hugin Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 ETL - evilzombie said: more of the same ye, keep pounding that dead horse :lol: Quote
FireStorm Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 candyhouse said: ... Pbbans pm's it members all the time asking not to do this or do that. I know for a fact that one of there members s ... So you base the argument we pm members all the time asking them not to do stuff based on one PM? I hardly call once 'all the time' . TBH PsB removing sigs is there choice at the end of the day and is something they have done it to quite a few people who have tried to show anything PBBans related in there sig, weather it be the normal server streaming sigs or just my staff sig shown below they also removed. Reasons for them making that choice? Well who knows the real reasons? They don't allow adversing and spam on there forums? Or they just don't want more admins finding out about other A/C options? But if so what happens if other admins do find out about other A/C sites, wait...... f*** me we might help catch more cheaters via dual streaming BUT there is a catch ...... another A/C site might get another number. I could go on and have already had a 'discussion' with PsB already about this but it was in PM's and its not my policy to post what was said in PM's on public forums. OK well working together is not really gonna happen no matter how much people want it to because there is now too much history between our to A/C sites for some people to let it happen there will always be someone to throw spanners in the works. But why do we NEED to go that far. We all know that PsB and PBBans are both large and respectable A/C sites, if I find a ban on a player from PsB, I am pretty sure it is a vaild ban and have no reason to think other wise, same goes for PBBans (Pre-Staff days). Considering this, whats the problem with a bit of referring from both sites? We here don't censor anything PsB related and that is because Dual Streaming is a GOOD thing. Hmm heres a idea which prob won't happen but imagine if once you set up your streaming to one site, you are referred to the other one with a view to setting up dual streaming... but living in a dream world there I guess, why? Not because it can't happen, because as long as people consider steaming as a BUSINESS, its not good business sense is it. Conclusion : Maybe the Business model is not the best at actually catching cheaters? Anyway I notice your sig is displaying a link to bustedpunks, notice its not been removed, also can I assume that you hold some sort of staff/admin position over there? I would be interested to know anyway as there are a few questions I have about what you do. In my personal opinion I do not agree with paying for hacks/cheats in order to get them detected, seems like giving in to the hack makers. And of course your post / link won't be removed :lol: nothing like shameless spam, who clicks on random spam links anyway imo :P PBBans Quote
.:BoS:.Gringo Posted September 9, 2008 Author Posted September 9, 2008 This is the reply i got, now are u kidding me? cant believe this, let me tell u guys something i supported PsB and PBBans with donations, always did, in PsB my name is in the list of sponsors/contributors but till yesterday my support to them is over, they wont get a cent more from me just for the reason that they think they have or will have a monopoly when it comes to AC sites, now the good news is that more money is going to PBBans :) *Again, this Post is not to instigate or cause any kind fight with other AC site or PsB itself, I'm just letting u guys know, what PsB is all about, and that is GETTING MONEY FROM US, i know this just run by money but what about the community and the freedom of saying what u want to say at the end we are a community and should be as it is, not making profits out of it neither blocking and diverging other people interest or choosing of one or another AC site, it is just wrong. ;) Quote
MaydaX Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 I will just say this, if members at PBBans wish to display sigs from most other ac sites it's OK here 1st step in cheat prevention is awareness :) Please remember it's PsB policy and it's their choice to enforce it as they see fit. Quote
Spectral Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 candyhouse said: It looks like your intentions are to kiss up to pbbans a bit more. It you think that PsB are the only site to pm people about things then you need to wake up to the real world. Pbbans pm's it members all the time asking not to do this or do that. I know for a fact that one of there members started a post in the SGA area only to have it deleted of and a pm sent to him asking not to start a new topic about bustedpunks. all he wanted to know was bustedpunks for real. Over the last few days i have seen a side of pbbans and some of its members which makes them look childish. You have got staff here saying what we would like to work with PsB, why the hell should PsB want to work with anyone which does something like this to them? If someone attacked bustedpunks like pbbans has done to PsB then there would be no way in hell that we would want to work with them. And after see what has happen here i am very happy that bustedpunks is not in a partership with pbbans I'm sorry you feel that way but I believe the only thing you have seen the past few days is enough of the staff and the members getting tired of all the problems. PBBans staff was very respectful towards punksbusted when I joined but after seeing multiple threats and posts by punksbusted staff kinda threw a few people over the edge. I am very glad when I applied for a developer position at punksbusted.com I was told in a very sarcastic tone that I needed to be a regular and post multiple posts in the forums to get known. After that I started seeing the demenar that PsB had towards their members and always made them feel belittled and stupid. I then switched to PBBans and applied before I even made my first post. They saw my previous A/C History and got to know me on IRC and hired me. After seeing all their behind the scenes chats and talks to users, they actually have a respect for ALL SGA's and Members. Everyone starts out as a noob and needs to learn and we were all once a noob. It appears that even the members are now starting to see this. You may see childish behavior from us but many people see childish behavior for your "Non Profit / For Profit Business". Quote
.:BoS:.Gringo Posted September 10, 2008 Author Posted September 10, 2008 candyhouse said: It looks like your intentions are to kiss up to pbbans a bit more. It you think that PsB are the only site to pm people about things then you need to wake up to the real world. Pbbans pm's it members all the time asking not to do this or do that. I know for a fact that one of there members started a post in the SGA area only to have it deleted of and a pm sent to him asking not to start a new topic about bustedpunks. all he wanted to know was bustedpunks for real. Over the last few days i have seen a side of pbbans and some of its members which makes them look childish. You have got staff here saying what we would like to work with PsB, why the hell should PsB want to work with anyone which does something like this to them? If someone attacked bustedpunks like pbbans has done to PsB then there would be no way in hell that we would want to work with them. And after see what has happen here i am very happy that bustedpunks is not in a partership with pbbans Brother, first of all it is NOT bustedpunks, (PsB) means Punksbusted, u made ure point, but remember PBBans wont censor ure sig from having any AC site of any kind, its ure decision ure freedom of doing whatever u want, i'm sure u do not want anyone to come and change ure profile just cuz stupidity like this one(incase of bad language and cheating stuff and some many other irregular cases than yeah of course) or avatar or a complete post being removed etc..etc... , hope u think about that, thx. Quote
1shot Posted September 12, 2008 Posted September 12, 2008 :D Well There is not a gaming site that I belong too ware I do not promote STREAMING!!!! Of course I'm by-est and put PBBANS over the others that only because of the time and help I've gotten here over PBS and AON. The best advertisement in the gaming world is GAMERS! We belong to most of the sites like CODHQ or Total battlefield and there we can post and get people to stream there servers. Quote
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