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In a word no.


If you really don't want players to go over that then set PB to kick players who have com_maxfps set above that.


What would be the setting? pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 43

It is in this setting right? What would be the setting for it?


yeah u can lock it down for that value and yes that is the right command just set it to whatever u want, IN or OUT those values, and SoF2 has a maximum FPS of 125, i think, more than that will be basically useless. (Someone correct me if im wrong) ;)


pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150


would lock fps to a minimum of 43 and a maximum of 150.


pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 0.000001 43

pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 151 1000


why? game default is 0 (no setting/uncapped)


I want people to not be able to have a 333 setting. I think it is a unfair advantage to other players that cant do the special jumps. This is what my server is set to right now. pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 43 So I would leave that setting in there and add pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 ? What is the OUT and the IN mean? Thank you for your help.

I want people to not be able to have a 333 setting. I think it is a unfair advantage to other players that cant do the special jumps. This is what my server is set to right now. pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 43 So I would leave that setting in there and add pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 ? What is the OUT and the IN mean? Thank you for your help.


IN 43 150: means higher than 43 and lower than 150, or inside 43 and 150

OUT 43 150: Means not between 43 and 150, or not inside 43 and 150


Green is allowed values:

IN 43 150: --------------43-------------------------150--------------

OUT 43 150: --------------43-------------------------150--------------

why? game default is 0 (no setting/uncapped)


Have you ever tried setting it to 0 Benway.


I did and got well over 1000 fps. Trouble is the server can't handle it and you start jerking all over the place like you've got bad lag.


On the capping of maxfps at 125 as per Clanbase rules I've got an open mind and think that it should be left to server admins to do what they feel is right.

Personally I allow 333 fps on my server and use it myself. However I still play on servers capped at 125 and just adjust my settings accordingly.

I honestly don't think the 333 thing is any big deal, just slightly better jumps.


toxin OUT means exactly what it says. A players settings must be outside those values.

IN means a players settings must be within those values.


So pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 then the player must have his fps set between 43 and 150, ie it can't be set at 42 or below or 151 and above.

The other way round for out.

I want people to not be able to have a 333 setting. I think it is a unfair advantage to other players that cant do the special jumps. This is what my server is set to right now. pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 43 So I would leave that setting in there and add pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 ? What is the OUT and the IN mean? Thank you for your help.


pb_sv_cvar [cvar_name] [iN|OUT|INCLUDE|EXCLUDE] [Param1] [optional_Param2] ... PB will kick players with cvars in/outside the specified range.


IN = setting has to be between Param1 & Param2 inclusive.

If no Param2 is present, setting must equal Param1.

OUT = setting may not be between Param1 & Param2, both Param1 & Param2 are not allowed as well.

If no Param2 present, setting may not equal Param1.

INCLUDE = setting must include the string given in Param1.

EXCLUDE = setting may not include the string given in Param1.


Does not change or remove previous blocks of same cvar, both will operate, unless a "pb_sv_cvarempty" was issued.



pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 0.0001 43

pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 151 1000

pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 0

would equal

pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 44 150 // 43 is connected with a no-recoil exploit of q3e


as said i see no use to restrict 0 (uncapped) as only a stable FPS value will have any effect on jumping/recoil/hitboxes.


333 is in connection with a hitbox delay exploit (player is hard to hit), has not v. much to do with jumping. Sorry to destruct your illusions, but this "unfair advantage" to be able to do the special jumps is a result of practice, i.e. of wasting time on boring Trickjump Maps like e.g. this guy --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDXpxSDB3TE who always used com_maxfps 76 or 125. (no, to restrict these values was ... dorky)




"com_maxfps" is:"125" default:"85"
]\condump sof2_fps.txt



Benway that isnt sof2 is it? FPS in games are different. 333 will help you jump better in SOF2. I just want to set it to a lower setting to prevent jumps and lag issues.

Posted (edited)

Ok so my server is set to this right now. No other com_maxfps settings are in the config. pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 43. So what does this mean? What is the max setting on this? Or how do you read it? Also so I need to do this right? Delete that line and add this pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 and that would kick people above 150 right?

Edited by toxin
Posted (edited)
Ok so my server is set to this right now. No other com_maxfps settings are in the config. pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" OUT 0.000001 43. So what does this mean? What is the max setting on this? Or how do you read it? Also so I need to do this right? Delete that line and add this pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 and that would kick people above 150 right?

Green is allowed values:

IN 43 150 : --------------43-------------------------150--------------

OUT 43 150 : --------------43-------------------------150--------------

Red is kick yes.

Edited by Benway
: i just set the colors for the numbers as well, just to fix the slackness ... as they were Black (neutral, what they are NOT)

Ok I put pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 and I did a "pb_sv_cvarempty". When I connect it still says com_maxfps="0" must be outside 0.000001 to 43. Did I miss something?


Did you do pb_sv_restart ingame or did you restart your server after adding that to your PB config?


Yeah it works now, people are saying they can still get over 150 on fps though.

  • 4 years later...

Ok I put pb_sv_cvar "com_maxfps" IN 43 150 and I did a "pb_sv_cvarempty". When I connect it still says com_maxfps="0" must be outside 0.000001 to 43. Did I miss something?


well, that* was my point to recommend :


pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 0.000001 43

plus B.

pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps OUT 151 1000


rather than C.

pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 43 150


for two reasons:


1.) C. does not equal A. + B.

go figure why i mentioned the old and forgotten no-recoil exploit @43 FPS, IN 43 150 will allow both values 150 and 43 ,

while A. disallows 43 , so the (almost) proper equivalent was: IN 44 150 :P


2.) (almost) ...*some games have no default setting for com_maxfps (WTF is SoF?) and PB will handle an empty cvar value like the particular cvar was set to 0.

So restricting pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps IN 44 150 would kick for com_maxfps 0 as well for com_maxfps "" ( = if nothing is set by user and if the game uses uncapped com_maxfps = "" as default), thus A. reads OUT 0.000001 43 and not OUT 0 43

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