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admin abusing?


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Ok I play on a cod2 server and there comes this Master.D(pbbans name) and after I kill him a few times he start with pbbans and how I cheat and reporting and and and...


The most important he goes on every server and if he doesn't like it he just start with his "I'm a admin on pbbans...." everyone start to leave cuz he is so anoying

Does everyone get such an important place if he wants to?


and than he got kicked due to multihack :P


dunno if this is admin abusing but its so anoying....


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You're totally right. I'm sure the admins have nothing better to do than test cheats on totally random servers and then brag about how powerful/almighty they are. Yeah, it totally makes sense... [/sarcasm]


Edit:// Thank you Silence... I had a crappy day today and this really cheered me up. :)

Edited by Pisi-Deff
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Do you know what for beautiful binds he has :)

This server is going to be reported to PBbans...

This player is going to be reported to PBbans...




I don't care if he is 40+ years old he acts like he is 11 -.-(and sucks at FPS games....every one of them)


I've already got problems with him in january this year on cod4...We had a CB and they just started to cry after the 5th round and than left:D


There still are decent players in sLOVEnia :) but he isn't in those ranks xD

Edited by Silence
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I think the more important question here is, why isn't your server streaming? A 0 minute kick for a multihack would end up being a permanent ban and the player placed on the MBI, which would in-turn also see his streaming privelages removed.



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I did notice the fact the pb_plist did not show the GUIDs of the players.


This could mean one of two things


    The Master Server is down which means players do not get assigned GUIDs or
    The server is cracked which also causes players to have 0 guids


Either way, I ban could not had been placed as there is no GUID to place it on, even a 2 min kicked could not be enforced without GUIDs



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I did notice the fact the pb_plist did not show the GUIDs of the players.


This could mean one of two things


  1. The Master Server is down which means players do not get assigned GUIDs or
    The server is cracked which also causes players to have 0 guids

I'm guessing Master Server problem. I noticed the "no GUIDs" yesterday on a couple CoD2's.

Just checked them again and it's working now.

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