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I added my account/server today but still doesn't show on the list. Could you please check:


16:45:37 pb_sv_ver

16:45:37 Server: PunkBuster Server (v1.723 | A1409 C2.136) Enabled

16:52:51 pb_sv_tlist

16:52:51 Server: PB Scheduled Task List: [slot #] [first] [every] [command]

Server: 6 [0] [3600] pb_sv_ver

Server: End of PB Task List (6 Tasks)

16:55:07 pb_sv_uconlist

16:55:07 Server: [slot] [Type] [Mask] [Name]

Server: 2 1 pbbanshub

Server: End of PB UCON Profile List (1 Entry)




Just Submitted. Thanks for the link. I misunderstood the instruction. I thought you could not submit the team app until after your server streamed.

Just Submitted. Thanks for the link. I misunderstood the instruction. I thought you could not submit the team app until after your server streamed.


You can apply for a team account either before or after you have initiated streaming on your server.

It is preferable if streaming is all set up before you apply because then everything kicks in instantly (forum upgrade to SGA / more forum access) as has already happened when your team account application was processed :)


If streaming is set up after your team account is processed you would have had to wait for the auto updater to kick in and that can take a while.


Great, thanks for the fast response & service. I'm impressed :)


Regarding MD5 checks. Using the autombl tool for so long it's become a mundane manual process that I just do everyday.


I selected the auto MD5 update option on my pbbbans server options. So, I don't have to manually do this anymore? Whoa, now that would be cool :)

Great, thanks for the fast response & service. I'm impressed :)


Regarding MD5 checks. Using the autombl tool for so long it's become a mundane manual process that I just do everyday.


I selected the auto MD5 update option on my pbbbans server options. So, I don't have to manually do this anymore? Whoa, now that would be cool :)


Here is some essential reading for you to do :)


You will see that the auto cvar / md5 updates are an experimental feature that will only save updates in memory and not make a permanent change.

This means that after a reboot you would lose those updated checks.


I'll just take a minute to explain a thing or two about cvar / md5 scans and the PBBans method of concept that we employ.

We are very fortunate here, in that we have a number of things that are unique to PBBans, one of them is Benway, our MCI (Master Config Index) manager.

He is one of the most clued up and efficient people I know on all things cheat related, and his specific task for PBBans is to make sure that the cvar / md5 scans are bang up to date and optimised for maximum efficiency.

We do not employ tons of useless scans as you will see if you make comparisons to whats scanned for elsewhere, we prefer the lean mean approach, and it works rather well.

The choice is always there, for you to continue to use what you are now, if you are going to use PBBans scans, I would suggest you take a look at this;



Any questions re our cvar / md5 scans, just ask in one of the private forum sections you now have access to :)


Excellent, thanks!


I manually loaded the MD5's on my CoD5 but intentionally left my CoD2 server alone to see if this MD5 auto checks would take effect.


It did. Two cheaters banned this morning from PBBans MD5 checks. Nice work.

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