I've been watching and noticing the same 10 or 12 people donating each month. Out of 15,948 teams and 184 streaming servers that is really a poor show.
When you need PBBans help, when you need to cross-reference the story and history of a person who wants to join your clan, you will be sorry that you didn't give a little bit of money each month to PBBans to keep it going.
Does no-one care now? I've heard clan leaders say that they know X has a ban, but they are not going to do anything about it, because it's not in a game they play any more. Or it was years ago. Or maybe the members like him/her and they don't want the person to leave, admins don't want to rock the boat. Where is the backbone?
Or maybe it's too much effort to look someone up, check the records, cross-reference the history. That is just laziness. There is so much info in these databases. If you've never been able to see the GUID history because you didn't have access, you've missed so much. It's essential for checking accounts. Now you have the chance to use it if you donate. DO IT!
If we are short each month, PBBans will close. You won't get the chance to check players again in this way. Don't lose it!