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Everything posted by AcE

  1. This was on watchdog, english tv program last night.
  2. AcE


    Yes, that's a modelhack, but we don't add PBSS to the MBi from non-streaming servers, best you can do is ban he/she from your server.
  3. Why would you buy a new game and then use a warez key found on the internet...
  4. AcE

    Hello All

    Welcome to PBBans :D
  5. AcE

    please help

    What would you want that for ?
  6. AcE

    please help

    http://www.pbbans.com/mbi-viewban-93c1825a-vb107336.html Someone from Ireland use the key and cheated with it, resulting in the GUID being banned. The ban is valid and will not be removed. You will need to buy a new game to be able to play on PBBnas streaming servers or servers that dont use our public ban list. Buy the game from a trusted game retailer and not off of Ebay or similar sites.
  7. VAC & PB .... argument predictions 1000% overload.
  8. AcE


    What he said^^ :)
  9. A screenshot of a scoreboard proves nothing. A demo/recording of gameplay would, but if this game doesn't have the ability to record in 1st person from a spectators perspective then you're shit out of luck.
  10. Does MoH have 1st person demo record functions ?
  11. I thought they were film trailers for min there :P looks so real.
  12. You're right, it's all about the cash, no need to say any more lol.
  13. We ban GUIDs not people, those bans are valid and will not be removed.
  14. No we don't because the demos recorded in the BF series are recorded in 3rd person, you cant tell anything from a 3rd person perspective demo. Not only that, BF games are as bug ridden as they get, that also contributes to glitchy demos. Bottom line is, we will only accept demos from games the have in-game demo options that record in 1st person.
  15. As soon as a ban is removed from the MBi it's no longer active on servers that stream to us, you'll be unbanned from them. The servers that you're still banned from are using our public ban list, it's up to the admins of those servers to keep their ban lists up to date.
  16. Your GUID d8ca62fb97338c9b7d8eef1468c9841a Is not banned by PBBans.com
  17. known issue, Just refresh the forum and click it again.
  18. AcE

    CoD4 ban

    That GUID is globally banned by Evenbalance (PB) http://www.pbbans.com/globalban.php This ban is out of our hands, you will have to take up this issue with PB.
  19. MD5 is a digital-fingerprint pretty much, for a more in-depth explanation see - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5 There's nothing for us to catch up on. When someone is kicked from one of our streaming servers for a PB Cheat, MD5 or Cvar violation they're banned on all streaming servers for that game genre in less than 10 seconds. Only Even-balance (PB) themselves do delayed bans by silently logging those using a specific hack and then mass banning at a later date. You're clean as far as we're concerned, and you're not linked to anything dodgy on any other anti-cheat site. If this clan still think you cheat then screw them, nothing you say to them will convince them otherwise.
  20. GUID is an MD5# of the CD key, each games uses and different key so each GUID is different for each game. You're clean here and everywhere else as far as I can see. My advice is, forget about this clan that thinks you cheat because you're good and move on.
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