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Posts posted by foxdie

  1. modelka should be required studies and practical application


    I'd rather don't want to know what do you mean by practical application lmao.


    Yeah, I am sure even MS would side with you when they saw your modelka. :crazy:


    P.S. I saw your sig and I see you have fans. :P


    Yeah :D. It's a pity that I've started collecting them after everybody stopped opening my links and also deleted irc logs. It could have been very nice off-topic section.

  2. I was trying to setup my server to stream with pbbans but the automated streaming setup always returns this error:




    I had no problems using the multiserver automated setup... I only listed the same server and it installed perfectly.


    I think this might be some kind of bug... or I really fkd up with the rcon password to many times :P


    You didnt grant applet permission to connect to other servers. Try to reopen your browser and try again.

  3. Gentleman and Ladies, I have accepted your refusal to run the streaming for our server and have not tendered my opinion here in your forums or anywhere on your website, it's simply an issue of respect.


    It's always an acceptable gesture, regardless of any ill intentions befallen to seperate communities to, well, just leave well enough alone. I am asking the your members refrain from their childish antics and gestures of providing thier insights regarding this failed union, on my website. What they may say or do on your website or forums is your business.


    As for my rants and behaviors, they will remian on my site and amongst those of which I choose to discuss this issue with and certainly not here in your forums or on your website.


    I'm just asking in advance to please show the same respect I am offering you. In return I will offer your organization the same.


    The rarer action is In virtue than in vengeance. - W. Shakespeare







  4. It looks like your intentions are to kiss up to pbbans a bit more. It you think that PsB are the only site to pm people about things then you need to wake up to the real world. Pbbans pm's it members all the time asking not to do this or do that. I know for a fact that one of there members started a post in the SGA area only to have it deleted of and a pm sent to him asking not to start a new topic about bustedpunks. all he wanted to know was bustedpunks for real.


    Over the last few days i have seen a side of pbbans and some of its members which makes them look childish.


    You have got staff here saying what we would like to work with PsB, why the hell should PsB want to work with anyone which does something like this to them? If someone attacked bustedpunks like pbbans has done to PsB then there would be no way in hell that we would want to work with them.


    And after see what has happen here i am very happy that bustedpunks is not in a partership with pbbans


    Yes I remember it. It was me. My reply was

    its a legitimate site ( you can ask eb if you want. ). Please do not advertise them here.


    He got his answer.

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